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2023-05-19 20:28:50来源:七考网



The adoption of western technique
采用西方技术The government decided to suspend introduction of the new scheme.
政府决定延缓采用新方案。This mainly takes form of controllable income to measure.
主要采用可控收益来衡量。Control cables must be run in a separate conduit.
控制电缆必须采用专用电缆。The connecting-rod is attached to the piston by the piston pin.
连杆与活塞的连接是采用活塞销。He encouraged the introduction of new medical treatments.
他鼓励采用新的医疗方法。A police organization that employs terroristic methods to control a populace.
采用恐怖主义方法统治百姓的警察组织The main brake system utilizes either a band brake or a hydraulic disc brake.
主绞车的主刹车系统既可采用带式刹车,亦可采用液压盘式刹车。 They were experts at preserving the bodies of the dead by embalming them with special lotions
他们具有采用特种药物洗剂防止尸体腐烂的专门知识。GIF and JPEG are the most commonly used graphics formats on the Internet.

v. 采取,采用,正式通过,承继,收养;吸收;提名…为候选人

The meeting adopted a resolution.
会议通过了这一议案。The motion is adopted non con .
因无人投反对票,协议被通过。 The resolution was adopted by an overwhelming majority.

v. 用,运用;对待;耗费;服食;利用
n. 使用;用途

It is used as a reflexive.
它被作为反身代词使用。That was a balk to us.
那对我们是个挫折。They help us to be maximal encouraging to us.


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