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爆头的英文单词 爆头的英文例句

2023-06-15 16:48:56来源:互联网




  the head shot


  All Corfield got for his pains was a bullet in the head 科菲尔德千辛万苦,到头来却被一枪爆头。

  The Late Show censored the band's live version of "Bullet In The Head" 《深夜秀》节目删掉了乐队的《爆头》现场版。

  You want another 3 - year - old to get shot in the head? 你想让其他比你大3岁 的同伴被人打爆头 吗 ?

  I'm the one whose boyfriend got shot right in front of her 我也是男朋友在面前被爆头的可怜人

  Practice your aiming and don't take too long to shoot 你需要等待完美的爆头时机

  Try for the head shot - at range 尝试在射程内爆头


  A shot to the head deals bonus damage and stuns for a short duration 一枪爆头造成额中的戕害,并晕眩很缺的一段时光

  To spy is not open mirror head shot proud to have guns, stabbed to deathashamed 为了间谍不开放镜子爆头为荣,以有枪, 刺死惭愧

  Level 2-30 % of the time , the Rifleman deals 30 bonus damage and stunsfor0.1 seconds 二级2-30%的几率爆头, 造成30点额外的伤害 晕眩0.1秒.

  A shot to the head deals bonus damage stuns for a short duration 一枪爆头造成额外的危险,并晕眩很短的一段时间

  With a pistol guns head shot proud to play an empty machine gun bulletsHair ashamed 有了手枪枪枪爆头为荣,以发挥一空机枪子弹发惭愧

  Fixed occasional crash after scoring a critical hit in the head with a RailwayRifle 修正射钉枪重击爆头后死机的问题

  Neutralize 5 terrorists in a row by performing head shots using a SoundSuppressor 刀兵在装著灭音器的情况下,

  A shot to the head deals bonus damage and stuns a short duration 一枪爆头造成额外的伤害,并造成极短时间的晕眩

  To one shot headshot buttoned proud light each other's bullets did not dieashamed 一杆爆头扣子自豪地光对方的子弹没有死感到羞耻

  Father would give you a belt over the head with the scrubbing brush 爸爸会拿硬毛刷打爆你的头。

  In the raid, police attacked with rocks and several cars destroyed 期间,防爆警方遭头袭击,数量警车砸毁

  I'm ready to blow this bitches brains out 我已经准备好一枪爆他的头

  Thunder burst with a terrific crash over my head, and echoed through themountains 雷电在我头上爆响了恐怖的炸裂声, 并在山峦之间回响我被闪电的强光晃花了眼


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