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空中用英语怎么说 空中英文例句

2023-06-13 20:02:19来源:七考网


in the sky
in the air

aerial scout
空中侦察Kites are gliding in the air.
风筝在空中飞翔。The bird circled around in the air.
鸟在空中盘旋The arrow shot out into the air.
箭朝空中射出。Make an aerial reconnaissance of an island
对一岛进行空中侦察I"ll swing around from behind and blow them out of the sky.
我会悬挂着,把他们吹散在空中。Clouds fall out of the sky as rain.
云朵化作雨水从空中坠落。Light is propagated through space in a straight line.
光以直线经由空中传送。The ball hit the ground and bounced high into the air.
球碰到地面又高高地弹入空中。During the whole of that day there had been an unusual degree of heat in the air, and the sky was heavy with clouds.

n. 天,天空

The sky is clearing.
天正明朗起来。Sky is louring.
天空正变得阴沉。After the storm the sky cleared.
暴风雨过后,天空明朗了。And then, in the late afternoon the sky will clear,
然后,下午晚些时候天空变晴, Stars glittered in a clear sky.
n. 空气;大气;天空;空间;微风;样子;神态;气氛
v. 晾;通风;广播

There was not a breath in the air.
一丝风也没有。a nip in the air
空气中有一种刺肤的寒冷 To fish in the air
海底捞月Clean the air intakes regularly for sufficient air flow
定期清理进风口以保证有足够的空气流量The switch hovered in the air.



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