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2023-06-25 15:08:12来源:七考网



A spokesperson:a mouthpiece.
代言人或发言人A lawyer acts on behalf of his client.
律师作为当事人的代言人。We"ll have Jones as our spokesman.
我们让琼斯做我们的代言人.One,such as a spokesperson,through which views are expressed.
代言人发言者,通过他表达观点To avoid being accused of capitalist spokesmen, here I stand.
为了防止被指责成资本家的代言人,我在此表明立场。We find the leftists assuming leadership and becoming the spokesmen for an ideal of international revolution.
我们发现,左派逐渐掌权并成为国际革命理想的代言人。She is also the spokesperson for L"Oreal
她还是知名化妆品品牌欧莱雅的代言人。Washington was recognized as the preeminent spokesman of American Negroes by 1895
到1895年,华盛顿被公认为美国黑人的卓越代言人。The senate majority leader is the floor spokesman for his party in the senate.
参议院多数派领导人是他政党在参议院中的代言人。Remus might easily have been a mouthpiece for Southern self-pity
n. 烟斗的嘴,乐器的吹口,话筒,喉舌,代言人,传声筒

The newspaper is the mouthpiece of the government.
这家报纸是政府的传声筒。A flute with eight finger holes and a whistlelike mouthpiece.
雷高德一种笛子,其有八个指孔和一个哨状吹嘴The manner in which the lips and tongue are applied to such a mouthpiece.
口形嘴唇和舌头用在这种吹口处的方法The tip of the mouthpiece on a pipe or a cigarette or cigar holder.
烟嘴烟斗、香烟或雪茄烟嘴的顶端He"d only get a mouthpiece to spring him.
n. 发言人

Used the press secretary as spokesperson for the administration
将新闻秘书作为行政部门的发言人使用Chairperson,spokesperson,business person, etc
主席、发言人、商人等.A spokesperson for the German embassy said that they have been notified of the incident.
一名德国大使馆发言人表示,他们已被告知此一事件。A spokesperson for Amnesty, Norma Johnston, describes some cases.
大赦国际的一名发言人诺尔马·约翰斯顿讲述了几个案例。Other employees must refer inquiries to their assigned spokespersons.



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