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特产的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-06-25 15:17:51来源:七考网


special local product
(regional) specialty

Jordan almond is the Spanish specialty.
约旦杏是西班牙的特产。This wine is typical of the region.
这种酒是本地区的特产。What is the special product here?
这里的特产是什么?Shell carvings are a specialty of the town.
贝雕是该城的特产。Wood carving are a specialty of this village.
雕刻木器是这个村子的特产。Here are some lichees for you. They"re a specialty from my hometown.
送你一些荔枝,是我家乡的特产。These small spice cakes are a peculiarity of the region.
这些别有风味的小蛋糕是该地的特产。Provisions of the State Council Concerning Imposition of Agricultural Tax on Agricultural Speciality Income
国务院关于对农业特产收入征收农业税的规定 Rubusoside is a major sweet component of Rubus suavissimus S.Lee, which is a special product of Guangxi Province, China.
甜茶素是广西特产甜茶中的主要甜味成分。Canned mandarin oranges are prepared with the unique speciality of Hunan Province-Fu Rong mandarin oranges.

adj. 特殊的,特别的;专门的,专用的;增加的,额外的
n. 专车;特使;特刊;特别节目

a special contributor
特约撰稿人 Specialness is not the truth in you.
特殊性并不是你内在的真相。Rhineland dishes are a speciality of the restaurant.

adj. 地方性的;当地的;局部的
n. 本地人;慢车

You piss off locals with running commentary on the local news.
你会因为评论本地新闻而激怒本地人。other local staff
其他当地雇用人员 The other concern is localization.

n. 产品;产物;结果;乘积;生成物

productive farmland; his productive years; a productive collaboration.
多产的农田;他的多产年;多产的合著。 The products are of poverty.
这批产品质量很差。Mechanic Products


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