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意义的英文怎么说 意义英文参考例句

2023-05-21 09:12:20来源:七考网



A sophisticated drama.
意义深奥的戏剧an unprofitable argument.
无甚意义的争论methane may have extraterrestrial significance
甲烷具有星际意义。This is globally significant.
这在国际上有重大的意义。Subtle,multivalent allegory.
微妙的有多种意义的讽喻explain the force of a phrase
解释一个短语的确切意义 While that judgment may sound innocuous, it is actually striking.
这一判决看似无足轻重,实则意义深远。What does the new labour contract law mean for migrant workers?
新颁布的劳动合同法对农民工的意义何在?An equivocal word,phrase,or expression.
含糊其词的短语意义模糊的、短语、表达Please explain the force of the paragraph.

n. 意义;含义;意图
adj. 意味深长的

That was a mean trick!
那是卑鄙的诡计!A modifier that has little meaning except to intensify the meaning it modifies.
修饰语除了加强修饰词的意思之外没有实际意义。get money by dishonest means
非法赚钱, 得不义之财 The meaning of the passage is obscure.
这段文字意义晦涩。No stutter, maybe, but lots of mean.
不口吃,也许。 但是很恶毒。

n. 意义,意思;重要性

Scientists have Been unable to determine the signification of most Etruscan inscriptions.
科学家们一直无法确定伊特鲁里亚人的刻印文字的意思The acceptance of a bill is the signification by the drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer.
承兑汇票乃指付款人同意发票人之付款指示。This is globally significant.
这在国际上有重大的意义。It is expectable that I should finish some thing I can do for a significative spring festival.
为了这个很有意义的春节,我要按照预期完成一些我能力所及的事情。some thing thought to be significant


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