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大道理的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-05-20 09:09:07来源:七考网


general principle; major principle

I am tired of listening to your preach.
我懒得听你对我讲的大道理。Don"t preach me a sermon about being lazy now, please.
请勿现在对我讲有关懒惰的大道理。We had to listen to a long sermon about not wasting money.
我们硬着头皮听了一通别浪费钱的大道理。I don"t need to hear all the whys and the wherefores I just want to know what happened.
我无需听那些大道理,我只想知道是怎么了。I don"t need to hear all the whys and the wherefores,I just want to know what happened.
我无需听那些大道理,我只想知道是怎麽了.To set forth or express a moralistic,often superficial philosophy.
肤浅地谈论哲学,爱卖弄大道理提议或表达从事因循守旧的道德观,常是肤浅的哲学Murmelstein worked on me for hours with a wearisome flood of flattery and argument

adj. 普遍的,全体的;正常的;大致的,笼统的
n. 将军

generalized ensemble
广义系综 general average
共同海损 The steam can generate electricity by turning an electric generator.

n. 原则,原理;起源;主义;道义

principle of discrimination
区别原则[指战时区别军事/非军事目标] Adhesion to the principle of independence and abstract is infraction of the principle of honesty.
固守独立抽象原则是有悖于诚实信用原则的。He was a man of the highest principles.

adj. 较大的,较多的;主要的;主修的;大调的
n. 成年人;陆军少校;主修科目;主修…的学生;大调
v. 主修科目,专业

narrow majority
勉强的多数 C major is the relative major of A minor.
C大调是相对于A小调的大音阶。He is a mathematics major.


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