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medium build是什么意思 双语例句

2023-07-01 20:26:23来源:互联网


  今天小编整理了一些关于medium build的短语和相关造句,大家有需要的可以收藏起来参考一下。

  medium build



  medium中等的,中级的; 普通的; 平均的; 半生熟的; 媒介物,媒质; 中间,中庸,[生]培养基,培养


  Medium and build 身材中等

  medium-build 适中

  medium m build 中等身材

  Medium height and build 身材中等 ; 中等高度和生成 ; 中等高度和建设 ; 正在翻译

  He medium build 他有中等身材 ; 他有着中等的身材

  His medium build 他中等身材

  be of medium build 是属于中等身材 ; 中等身材 ; 是中等身材 ; 正在翻译

  He has medium build 他有中等身材 ; 他有着中等的身材

  My father medium build 我爸爸中等身材


  She had an open face and pale skin, a medium build and an unassuming manner.


  Elegance: Elegance are often described as medium build, symmetrical facial features, well-proportioned physique, and conservative attitude towards life.


  My mother had shoulder-length hair, a pair of bright eyes, of medium build.


  Upon P. E. the patient of medium build appeared chronically ill, very thin and frail.


  He has curly hair and is of medium build.


  Yes, he is short. he is medium build and he has short hair.


  She is of medium build, and she has long hair.


  She is medium build, a pair of black eyes in high against the background of bridge of the nose, appear the sparkle, her lips often with sweet smile, looks very beautiful very young.



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