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木箱的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-06-26 16:46:18来源:七考网


wooden case
wooden crate

The goods are to be packed in tin-lined cases, and the contents of each case clearly marked on the outside.
一切货物均须用内衬马口铁或锡纸的木箱包装,且外壳必须清楚地标明其内所装物品。Could you use wooden cases instead?
你们能不能改用木箱?It would cost more for you to pack the goods in wooden cases.
使用木箱包装成本会高些。The much repaired plane was crated for the return journey.
经过大修的刨子被装入木箱运回去。A crane was already unloading crates and pallets.
起重机已经开始卸载木箱和托盘了。Solid packing and overall stuffing can prevent the cases from vibration and jarring.
坚固的木箱和箱内严密的填充可防止木箱受震、开裂。I couldn"t pry the cover off this wooden box without breaking it.
不打破这个木箱盖我就无法撬开它。"crate:a container, such as a slatted wooden case, used for storing or shipping."
大板条箱:用于储存或运输的类似板条木箱的容器.Each piece is to be doubled folded,rolled on cardboard,wrapped in kraft paper and then packed in wooden cases.
双折卷板,外包牛皮纸,然后装木箱。"The goods are to be packed in strong export cases, securely strapped."

adj. 木制的;僵硬的,呆板的

tabled wooden fish plate
带扣榫的木接合板 The bridge is a frail wooden structure.
这座桥的木质结构,很不结实。 To beeswax the wooden floors.
给木质地板打蜡上光。It"s a flimsy wooden door.
这是一扇很不结实的木门。Her expressions are still a bit wooden.

n. 板条箱,装货箱;一箱
v. 把…装入箱中

The tired boy crated after rest.
那个疲倦的男孩极想休息。A crane was already unloading crates and pallets.
起重机已经开始卸载木箱和托盘了。Yet veal crates and battery cages remained legal.
然而小牛夹栏和层架式鸡笼仍然是合法的。 They have sold up ten crates of mineral water in the afternoon.
他们这个下午卖掉了十箱矿泉水。The much repaired plane was crated for the return journey.


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