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镜子的英文怎么说 镜子英文例句

2023-06-16 10:28:48来源:七考网



The mirror is oval.
镜子是椭圆的.Primp and preen in front of a mirror
对着镜子精心打扮.The mirror is concave.
镜子呈凹面。Hugo The Evil Mirror
雨果-邪恶的镜子The mirror filmed over.
这镜子变得朦胧了。“All mirrors,” says George Macdonald. “The commonest room is a room in a poem when I look in the glass.”
“书是反映现实的镜子。”乔治·麦克唐纳这么说过,“从镜子中看时,最普通的房间也是诗一样美的房间了。”Be in when them in closet when rouge, they can imprint the lip on the mirror to leave a lip to imprint.
当她们在洗手间里擦口红时,她们会将嘴唇印在镜子上留下唇印。 Mirrors have the effect of dematerializing a wall.The dry ice seemed to dematerialize as it sublimated.
镜子有使一堵墙丧失其物质实体的效果。干冰升华时好象丧失了其物质实体"mirror, on the wall, who"s the ugliest of us all?"
镜子啊镜子,墙上的镜子,谁是我们当中最丑的一个?The eye is the mirror of the soul

n. 镜子;真实的写照;榜样
v. 反射;反映

The mirror is concave.
镜子呈凹面。The eye is the mirror of the soul
眼睛是灵魂的镜子Wine is mirror of the mind
酒后吐真言The water in the pool is as even as a mirror.
池中的水面象镜子一样平滑。The eye is the mirror of the soul.


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