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dangerous的反义词 dangerous的反义词例句

2023-06-14 15:58:38来源:互联网






  There is no safe landing on that coast.


  It is not safe to drive like that, you must slow down.


  The rescuers brought the climbers back safe and sound.


  The train is a safe means of transportation.



  It is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake.


  Dangerous driving should be severely punished.


  It is dangerous for you to stay here.


  I kept my friend back from the dangerous animal. 我不让我的朋友靠近那个危险的动物。

  They have locked up all the dangerous criminals. 他们已经将所有危险的罪犯都关押起来了。

  The blackmailer had to be paid off. He was too dangerous. 只得向那个敲诈勒索者付钱了,他太危险了。

  I argued her out of going on such a dangerous journey. 我说服她不去作这样危险的旅行。

  This can be dangerous for both you and your pet. 这对你和你的宠物而言都是很危险的。

  Yeah, I know we talked before about how dangerous this job is. 是啊,我知道我们之前说起过这个工作有多么危险的话。

  And this experiment is all the more dangerous since it can be tried but once. 而且这样的试验由于只有一次尝试的机会,所以是愈发危险了。

  This is the stage at which a learner is most dangerous - they know enough tothink they know more, but not enough to keep themselves out of trouble! 这是一个学习者最危险的阶段,他们获得的知识使他们想要知道更多,但是在这个阶段获得的知识还不能保证他们走出困境!

  If you want to minimise the abuses of power then that kind of concentration ofpower is frankly quite dangerous. 如果你想最大限度地减少权力的滥用,那么坦率地说,这种权力集中是相当危险的。

  But the notion that what is ours is necessarily in conflict with what is theirs is bothfalse and dangerous. 有人认为,属于我们的必然与属于他们的矛盾冲突,这种看法不仅是错误的,也是危险的。

  It is dangerous to try to see everything! 试图要看到一切是件危险的事情!

  "One of the most dangerous things to say is, 'If you loved me, you would do this, '" says McCarthy. 麦卡锡提醒大家说“最危险的事情之一就是对你的爱人说,‘如果你爱我,你就应该这样做’”。

  Vermilion itself is toxic people to have swallowed cinnabar suicide there so with the Cinnabar tattoo is quite dangerous. 朱砂本身是有毒的,民间有吞朱砂自杀的说法,所以用朱砂纹身也是相当危险的。

  No, this is not an option because it would be dangerous. 不能,由于这样做存在危险而无法作为一种选择。

  On the other hand, it is more dangerous. If they do not know what they are doingor they do not care about the people, they can go off without any constraints. 另一方面,如果他们不知道自己在做什么或者他们根本不关心老百姓,就会不受任何约束地走上歧途,这就更危险了。

  The next stage was rather dangerous as I had to cut the shape off my foot with ascalpel and not damage the pattern or my foot. 下一步是相当危险的,我必须用刻刀按着图纸上的图形将脚模挖空,不能破坏鞋的主体结构,也不能伤到自己的脚。

  No, I'd rather say dangerous, for most of the people who used to live there. 不是的,对于大多数曾经在这里生活过的人来说,我宁愿说是危险的。

  They warn us of dangerous trends. They point out potent evils. 他们为我们警告对危险倾向,指出潜在的邪恶。

  Hospitals can be dangerous places. We go there to get well, but sometimespeople get sicker or even die because of infections they contract in the hospital.医院也可能是个危险的地方。我们去医院是为了治病,但是有时会因为在医院遭受感染而病情加重,甚至死亡。

  Children and teenagers sometimes do dangerous and foolish things, and that is because they do not understand or THINK about the consequences. 小孩子和青少年有时会做一些危险而愚蠢的事情,那是因为他们不明白或没有考虑到事情的后果。


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