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第一名用英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-05-28 20:35:12来源:七考网


the first; the lead

Our school won first place for the pole vault.
我们学校赢得了撑杆跳第一名。Harold shared the first place with the identical score of 18. 75.
哈罗德以18.75的相同得分并列第一名。Yesterday was a red - letter day for me because I won the first prize in the English oratorical contest.
昨天是我最高兴的一天,因为我在英语演讲比赛获得第一名。The athlete was borne away with joy when he was announced the first in the game
当那位动员员被宣布在比赛中获第一名时,他欣喜若狂。The competition for the first prize was keen.
争夺第一名的竞争很激烈。All men cannot be first
不可能人人都得第一名Who came first in the women"s singles?
女子单打谁得第一名?She came out first in the examination.
她考试得第一名.He gets first prize in the listening contest.
他得到听力比赛第一名。I didn"t expect John to come out first in the competition.

adj. 第一的;最初的
adv. 第一,最初;首先;宁愿
n. 显着成就;第一个人或事物

the First International
第一国际(1864-1876)first approximation
第一次近似;第一近似值;初步近似;一次近似值;一级近似;首次近似 There was a hush at first.
先是一阵寂静。It was semimonthly at first.
它一开始是半月发行一次的。"The First Day" is their first collaborative album.

v. 带领,引导;通往;致使;领先
n. 领先;榜样;线索;导线;铅

Will you take the lead?
你领个头好吗?Lead poisoning( or plumbism ):Poisoning by accumulation of lead in the body.
铅中毒:铅在体内积累引起的中毒。The road leads direct there.
这条路直接通那儿。The dog is straining at its lead.
那条狗正使劲地拖拽皮带。Put the dog on the lead!


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