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跟我来英文怎么说 跟我来英语例句

2023-05-28 20:09:59来源:互联网




  Follow me


  1. "Wait there!" Kathryn rose. "No, on second thought, follow me."


  2. Your table is ready, ladies, if you"d care to come through.


  3. Please follow me, madam.


  4. Come on, I"ll give you the grand tour of the backyard.

  跟我来, 我带你去后院来一次盛大的旅游.

  5. Come along with me.


  6. " And you did just right,"said the widow . " Come with me, boys. "

  “ 你做得对, ” 寡妇说, “ 孩子们跟我来吧. ”

  7. Come along with me, boys, you are keeping everybody waiting.

  孩子们跟我来, 大家都在等你俩呢.

  8. How do you do! I"ll show you to your room. Follow me.

  你好! 我带你去你的房间, 跟我来.

  9. "Then come along,"said the policeman.

  “ 那就跟我来, ” 警察说.

  10. Just follow me, Mr. Johnson.


  11. Come along ( with me ), boys!


  12. " Now, then, " he said, leading the way up the foyer into the theatre.

  “ 现在跟我来吧. " 他说着带头穿过休息处进了正厅.

  13. He"s waiting for you. I"ll show you to his office. Please follow me.

  他正在等您呢! 我带您到他的办公室去, 跟我来.

  14. Come with me and I will teach you how to scale a rock face.


  15. Just come with me and you can have a rich meal.


  follow me的双语例句

  1. "Wait there!" Kathryn rose. "No, on second thought, follow me."


  2. "Get in your car and follow me," he com-manded.


  3. Please follow me, madam.


  4. When I say the word, follow me down.


  5. I"ll lead; you must follow me.

  我带路, 你一定得跟着我.

  6. How do you do! I"ll show you to your room. Follow me.

  你好! 我带你去你的房间, 跟我来.

  7. I was afraid to open the door lest he should follow me.


  8. All ( What ) you have to do is ( to ) follow me.


  9. Just follow me, Mr. Johnson.


  10. He"s waiting for you. I"ll show you to his office. Please follow me.

  他正在等您呢! 我带您到他的办公室去, 跟我来.

  11. Receptionist : Sir, please follow me to Examination Room Number Three.

  接待员: 请跟我到第三检查室.

  12. Follow me if you want to live in ruins!


  13. We"ll see what we can do. Please follow me to our showroom first.

  我们会尽力帮忙的. 请先到样品陈列室参观.

  14. Come along, follow me as I lead through the darkness.

  出来, 跟着我就像在我的带领下穿越黑暗.

  15. Now that I"m dying, will you follow me and keep me company?

  现在我要死了, 你愿意和我一起死,陪伴着我 吗 ?


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