全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00
位置:七考网 > 外语类 > 职场英语 > 黄昏英文版歌词歌词  正文


2023-07-25 19:50:08来源:互联网


  摘要:美国说唱歌手Jus Allah原名James Bostick,来自新泽西,1978年6月21日出生。第一次登场是在费城著名地下组合Jedi Mind Tricks在2000年发行的专辑《Violent by Design》中。他的歌词主题黑暗,极具攻击性,并且带有非洲中心思想,而押韵方面使用多韵脚押韵极为频繁。

  My love has gone away,

  quietly after a hundered days.

  This is whats she has always said she wont stay

  for more than what she can repay

  I can still hear her say

  there that Im not hearing tender play

  The day she let me kiss her was a display,

  of love to those who she betray.

  How can I put someone to the test,

  when I thought I got the best.

  Untill the taste of bitterness then I regret

  but still that I wont detest,

  the love I cant forget,

  like someone who has left.

  How can I leave someone for the rest

  when I`m alone facing the best.

  Untill they take some try to reason I regret.

  but still that I won`t detest,

  who I can never forget,

  like someone I once met.

  Betrayal 黄昏-英文版

  I can still hear her say

  there that Im not hearing tender play

  The day she let me kiss her was a display,

  of love to those who she betray.

  How can I put someone to the test,

  when I thought I got the best.

  Untill the taste of bitterness then I regret

  but still that I wont detest,

  the love I cant forget,

  like someone who has left.

  How can I leave someone for the rest

  when I`m alone facing the best.

  Untill they take some try to reason I regret.

  but still that I won`t detest,

  who I can never forget,

  like someone I once met.

  Betrayal 黄昏-英文版

  How can I put someone to the test,

  when I thought I got the best.

  Untill the taste of bitterness then I regret

  but still that I wont detest,

  the love I cant forget,

  like someone who has left.

  How can I leave someone for the rest

  when I`m alone facing the best.

  Untill they take some try to reason I regret.

  but still that I won`t detest,

  who I can never forget,

  like someone I once met.


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