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副总经理的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-07-06 15:16:38来源:七考网


【经】 vice president; vice-general manager

Deputy General Manager

Assistant General Manager assists the GM to manage the departments under his jurisdiction.
副总经理协助总经理做好所辖部门的管理工作。He is the vice-president in charge of sales.
他是负责销售的副总经理。When the president of the company retired, the vice-president was elevated to his position
该公司的总经理退休时,副总经理被提升为总经理。When the president of the company retired, the vice-president was elevated to his position.
该公司的总经理退休时,副总经理被提升为总经理。In addition, a vice-president usually oversees each functional area, such as sales, personnel, and production.
此外,每个职能部门都由一个副总经理负责,如销售、人事和生产。If you address them in such a way, Assistant-general Manager Wang and Dr. Zhang might be displeased.
如果这样称呼的话,可能姓王的副总经理和姓张的博士都会不太高兴。Chicago, Illinois, May 20, 1998 Mark Williams has joined Bentley Plastics as vice president-making.

n. 恶,邪恶,恶行
prep. 代替
adj. 副的

No vice goes alone
坏事不单行movable vice jaw
活动钳口 I was vice-regent.

n. 总统,国家主席;院长;首长;会长;总裁

They petitioned the President.
他们向总统请愿。They polled the President.
他们对总统进行民意测验。They are amnestied by the president.

adj. 普遍的,全体的;正常的;大致的,笼统的
n. 将军

generalized ensemble
广义系综 general average
共同海损 The steam can generate electricity by turning an electric generator.


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