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万圣节的英文怎么说 万圣节英文例句

2023-06-06 15:22:31来源:七考网


All Saints" Day
All Hallows
Solemnity of All Saints

One kind of halloween mischief
一种万圣节的恶作剧。I"m going as a zombie for Halloween.
我万圣节要扮成僵尸。Halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school.
在小学校里,万圣节是每年十月份开始庆祝的。halloween celebrations would start in October in every elementary school
在小学校里,万圣节是每年十月份开始庆祝的。This year Halloween is strictly for the birds.
今年万圣节完全成了鸟的天下。Children would make halloween decorations, all kinds of orange-paper jack-o-lanterns.
孩子们会制作万圣节的装饰品:各种各样桔黄色的南瓜灯。Children would make halloween decorations, all kinds of orange-paper jack-o-lanterns
孩子们会制作万圣节的装饰品:各种各样桔黄色的南瓜灯。November first is All Saints" Day, a holy day for Roman Catholics.
11月1日是万圣节,对于罗马天主教徒来说是非常神圣的日子。President George W. Bush, who was spending Halloween at his Texas ranch, has never reported seeing a ghost, Walters said
沃尔特说,布什总统的万圣节是在德克萨斯的农场度过的,他从未听布什总统说起过撞到鬼。Masks worn on holidays such as Halloween and Mardi Gras signal festivity and license.

adj. 一切的,所有的;整个的;各种的
pron. 一切;全部;大家,全体
n. 全部财产;所有一切
adv. 完全地;极其

The policy of burn all,kill all,loot all
三光政策It is all on the house.
费用全由敝店支付。 (all) in a twitter
(极度) 紧张[兴奋],激动

n. 圣人;圣徒
adj. 神圣的

A saint abroad and a devil at home
在外是圣人,在家是魔鬼All are not saints that go to church
去做礼拜者,未必皆圣人An open door may tempt a saint

n. 一天;白昼,白天;工作日;时代,时期

Things go on day by day.
事情逐日进行着。 Day by day the situation is improving.
情况在一天天地好转。 Like this, day after day.


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