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crossfire是什么意思 crossfire的英语例句

2023-03-30 20:42:48来源:互联网




  英 [ˈkrɒsfaɪə(r)]

  美 [ˈkrɔsfaɪə(r)]


  n. 交叉火力;串报


  Chrysler Crossfire 克莱斯勒火线 ; 克莱斯勒火线 ; 交叉火力

  CrossFire MODs 穿越火线MOD大全

  crossfire technique 交叉照射技术

  Crossfire Compositor 交火合成模块

  Crossfire Profile 交火配置

  CrossFire Reloaded 枪林弹雨二代游戏下载

  A Crossfire 内外夹攻

  580X CrossFire Xpress 3200

  CrossFire LZ 穿越火线


  1. The doctor was killed in crossfire as he went to help the wounded.


  2. They say they are caught in the crossfire between the education establishment and the government.


  3. When two industrial giants clash, small companies can get caught in the crossfire.

  两大工业企业争斗之下, 小公司遭受池鱼之殃.

  4. The enemy troops were caught in crossfire between two guerrilla bands.


  5. The child was standing in the middle of the crossfire, defenselessly.

  这个孩子站在交叉火力之中, 毫无防备.

  6. In some cases, the civilians are killed in the crossfire.

  但在某些案例中, 这些平民经常在双方交火时遇害.

  7. The leading companies recoiled from the murderous crossfire from the pillboxes.


  8. Thousands of civilians have been killed or severely wounded in furious crossfire.


  9. Any civilians killed – including the Chinese – were in the crossfire, he said.


  10. All three criminals got shot in the crossfire.



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