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2022-11-25 10:30:15来源:互联网

哈喽小伙伴们 ,今天给大家科普一个小知识。在日常生活中我们或多或少的都会接触到火龙果的英文是什么方面的一些说法,有的小伙伴还不是很了解,今天就给大家详细的介绍一下关于火龙果的英文是什么的相关内容。




  dragon fruit



  It favoured to increase its yield but did not markedly effect its quality that Hylocereus undatus with red pericarp and flesh were hybridised with Taiwan and Vietnam Hylocereus undatus.


  Sugar content in fruit from Conghua was higher than that from Luodian, and sugar content in fruit with red flesh was higher than that with white flesh.

  结果表明火龙果种仁的不饱和脂肪酸含量较高,为80.83%; 火龙果种仁的必需氨基酸含量为24.38%。

  The content of unsaturated fatty acid was 80.83% and the content of necessary amino acid was 24.38%.


  The pitaya is a type of delicious fruit.


  It has dragon fruit in it!


  They smell deliciously fragrant and most have a sweet flavor similar to a kiwi fruit.


  Study on the pnoducirg of pitaya icecream


  in the procession of lanterns fruit the anthocyanidin content is high.


  1. The star ingredient of the day is dragon fruit!


  2. There are also durian, mangosteen, pitaya, rambutan, jackfruit, coconut provided.

  各种各样的东南亚知名水果如榴莲 、 山竹 、 火龙果 、 红毛丹 、 菠萝蜜 、 椰青等也会同时展出.

  3. It is OK that firedrake fruit adds honey to eat together?

  火龙果加蜂蜜一起吃可以 吗 ?

  4. The result indicated: Pitaya fruit included 17 kinds of amino acids and species are complete.

  结果表明: 火龙果含有17种氨基酸,种类较齐全.

  5. Redcurrant, mint, tropical fruit, orange box tree , crushed black currant buds, passionfruit, grassy apples.

  红浆果, 薄荷, 热带水果, 桔子, 碎黑加仑芽, 火龙果,香草, 苹果.


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