全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00
位置:七考网 > 外语类>提升英语> 经典英语短诗欣赏  正文


发布时间:2022-10-10 16:48:25来源:互联网




  He"s never cried

  And already let the dark night

  Slip off a paper white

  For many times

  The autumn wind instantly blows off

  The light of a lamp

  While my heart is still barren

  And lit with a shame

  By the name of faintness

  From those verses


  The souls of the dead

  How much flame

  A poet"s body could ever have

  When burning

  It whines as Xun"s wail

  Some beings

  Settle down

  In the lit starry sky

  With a smile he walks up to

  That gust of wind

  Which is going to ruin him


  So often, when I"m alone with my thoughts,

  I feel your presence enter me

  like the morning sun"s early light,

  filling my memories and dreams of us

  with a warm and clear radiance.

  You have become my love, my life,

  and together we have shaped our world

  until it seems now as natural as breathing.

  But I remember when it wasn"t always so -

  times when peace and happiness seemed more

  like intruders in my life than

  the familiar companions they are today;

  times when we struggled to know each other,

  but always smoothing out those rough spots

  until we came to share ourselves completely.

  We can never rid our lives entirely

  of sadness and difficult times

  but we

  can understand them together, and grow

  stronger as individuals and as a loving couple.

  If I don"t tell you as often as I"d like,

  it"s because I could never tell you enough -

  that I"m grateful for you

  sharing your life with mine,

  and that my love for you will live forever.



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