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nice boat是什么意思 nice boat造句

发布时间:2022-09-12 19:38:06来源:互联网


 整理了一些关于nice boat的短语和相关造句,有需要的可以收藏起来参考一下。

  nice boat



  Nice-boat 第六十七章




  well enough , very nice

  nice boat造句

  He has a yen to be alone in a boat. 他渴望独自待在一条船上。

  The boat heeled over in a strong wind. 船在强风吹袭下倾侧了。

  A very nice set of glasses came under the hammer yesterday. 昨天拍卖了一套很精致的玻璃杯。

  It is a nice song and I think it will catch on quickly. 这首歌很好,我想它会很快流行起来。

  It is so nice to meet you on the boat. 在船上遇见你们真是很高兴。

  A nice cup of tea will soothe your nerves. 一杯好茶可以使你的心绪平静下来。

  A police patrol boat hailed to us to come to. 警察局的一艘巡逻艇招呼我们停下。

  He collapse the wheelchair and put it on the boat. 他将轮椅折叠起来放在船上。

  He is a very nice person to work with. 他是一个很好共事的人。

  The boat was tossed about in the stormy sea. 小船在风急雨骤的大海中颠簸。

  Are you going to America by boat or by plane? 你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机?

  The motor launch was fitting out as a fishing boat. 这艘摩托艇正在装备成渔船。

  The journey was not as nice as we had expected. 旅途不象我们预想的那样好。

  In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar. 划龙舟时每个人都拿着一枝桨。

  I brought her a very nice present from Soochow. 我从苏州给她带来一件美妙的礼物。

  We ferried the river on a small boat. 我们用小船渡过那条河。

  I had a taste of the soup to see if it was nice. 我喝了一小口汤,尝尝是否鲜美。

  He goes about with a group of nice boys. 他经常和一群好孩子在一起玩。

  Our sailing boat was delayed by contrary winds. 我们的帆船被逆风耽搁了。

  It is now his turn to set me up to a nice dinner. 现在轮到他请我吃一顿丰盛的晚餐了



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