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suggest的用法归纳 名词 suggestion 的用法

发布时间:2022-07-25 15:35:06来源:互联网


  suggest 作“间接表明;建议;使想起”解时,后面可以跟名词、代词或动名词做宾语

  ① suggest sth.表明,建议

  That girl"s sun-tanned face suggests excellent health.


  Mr. Smith suggested a way out of the difficulty to her.


  ② suggest doing sth

  Tom suggested selling the house but Ann was against it.


  ③ suggest sb’s doing sth

  I have written him a letter and suggested his sending it to the Ministry of Culture.


  ④ suggest sth to sb(错误:suggest sb to do)

  ⑤suggest (to sb) to do sth其中的介词 to 不能省略,动词不定式短语 to do sth 作宾语补足语。例如:

  Who suggested to you to do it this way? 谁提出要你这样做的?

  Tom suggested to sell the house but Ann was against it.


  suggest后面的宾语从句要不要用虚拟语气,由它的意思决定: 作“建议”解,宾语从句中的谓语动词用虚拟语气,即谓语动词用“( should )动词原形”。

  ① Almost all his friends suggested that he visit Mr. Johnson at once.

  ② ----The experiment has failed!

  ----I suggest you try again.

  句式一、 It"s suggested that…… (有人建议……)例如:

  ① It"s suggested that we ( should ) put on a short play at the party.


  ② It has been suggested that Robert should go to Chicago and try to find a job there. 有人建议罗伯特到芝加哥去,设法在那里找个工作。

  句式二、 What ( All that ) sb. suggests is that…… (某人建议的是……)

  ① What I suggest is that we visit a class right away.


  ② What she suggested was that the clinic should make better use of those herbs. 她建议医疗站更好地利用那些草药。

  suggest 作“表明、说明、暗示、指出”解,后面的that 宾语从句的谓语动词用陈述语气。

  ① He often came to the theater, but his attitude suggested he was not really interested in the play.

  ② Jane"s pale face suggested that she was ill, and her parents suggested that she have a medical examination.

  第一个 suggested 作“表明、说明”解,所以其后的宾语从句的谓语动词用陈述语气;第二个 suggested 的意思是“建议”,所以其后的宾语从句的谓语动词用虚拟语气,其中的 should 被省略了。

  名词 suggestion 的用法与其词根动词用法相似。

  suggestion 作“建议”解,后面跟同位语从句时,以及 suggestion 用作主语,后面跟表语从句时,从句中的谓语动词均用虚拟语气。

  ① My suggestion is that the work should be started at once.


  ② The monitor"s suggestion that she should come another day has not been accepted. 班长提出的她改天来的建议还是没有被接受。

相关内容: suggest的用法


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