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7的英文是什么 数字用英语怎么说

发布时间:2022-06-29 15:27:34来源:互联网






  1、 基数词 Cardinals

  68 sixty-eight

  100 a/one hundred

  101 a/one hundred and two

  746 seven hundred and forty-six

  1,000 a/one thousand [a只用于一个数字的开头,后面有百位数时要用one]

  1,100 one thousand ,one hundred

  5,647 five thousand ,six hundred and forty-seven 10,000 ten thousand

  100,000 a/one hundred thousand

  1,000,000 a/one million

  100,000,000 a/one hundred million

  563,032,406 five hundred and sixty-three million ,thirty-two thousand ,four hundred and six


  十亿 [英]a/one thousand million [美]a/one billion 百亿 [英]ten thousand million [美]ten billion

  千亿 [英]one hundred thousand million [美]one hundred billion

  万亿 [英]one billion [美]one trillion


  分数 Fractions

  1/2 a/one half

  1/3 a/one third

  1/4 a quarter[onefourth]

  1/5 a/one fifth

  2/3 two thirds

  9/10 nine tenths

  10% ten per cent

  5‰ five per mill

  3、 小数 Decimals

  0.7 nought[zero]point seven ;point sever

  0.02 point nought two

  356.409 three hundred and fifty-six point nought nine

  o.5% decimal five percent

  4、 数学式 Mathematic forms

  9+3=12 nine plus three equals twelve

  8+2=10 eight and two are ten

  7+0=7 seven and nought is equal to seven four

  第2 / 4页

  20+14+56=90 twenty,fourteen and fifty-six added together are make ninety

  13-5=8 thirteen minus five equal eight

  3-2=1 two from three leaves one

  1×1=1 one multiplied by one equals one ;once one is one

  2×5=10 twice five is ten

  6×0=0 six multiplied by nought equals nought 7×8=56 seven times eight is fifty-six

  20÷5=4 twenty divided by five makes


  24÷3=8 three into twenty-four goes eight times 1:3=3:9 one is to three as three is to nine ; the ratio of one to three equals the ratio of three to nine

  5、 年份

  206 B.C. two o six B.C

  770 seven seventy ,seven seven o , seven hundred and seventy

  1900 nineteen hundred

  19- nineteen something

  1905 nineteen o five

  1992 nineteen ninety-two

  2000 two thousand

  2001 two thousand and one

  1990’s nineteen nineties [20世纪90年代]

  1918.12.31 december thirty-first

  [thethirty-firstofdecember]nineteen eighteen.在某日前面用on,在年份与日期之间用逗号


  -5 :读作minus five



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