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做鱼的英文单词是什么 做鱼的英文单词例句

发布时间:2022-06-27 16:23:18来源:互联网





  网 络cooks fish;to use in fish;cook the fish;cooks fish with


  1. He let Pedrico chop it up to use in fish trap. 他让彼得利科把它切碎了做鱼食.

  2. My mother usually cooks fish with carrots and peas. 我母亲做鱼时常放些胡萝卜和青豆.

  3. They have a chef who specializes in fish. 他们有专门做鱼的厨师.


  4. I tried a new recipe of fish today. How do you like it? 我试了一种新方法做鱼, 喜欢 吗 ?

  5. Mama : I tried a new recipe of fish today. How do you like it? 今天我用了一种新方法做鱼, 你们喜欢 吗 ?

  6. Fish can be fiddly to cook. 鱼做起来会很麻烦。

  7. She made marvellous fish pie. 她做的鱼饼味美可口。

  8. The fish was mushy and tasteless. 鱼做得太烂了,没滋没味的。

  9. An English fishman wishes to get a foolish fish for a cold dish. 一位英国渔夫希望得到一条傻瓜鱼以便做一道凉菜。

  10. Coconuts provide " meat ", drink, oil, soap and fiber for fishing line. 椰子提供 “ 肉类 ”, 饮料 、 油脂 、 肥皂和做钓(鱼)丝的纤维.

  11. The goalkeeper made a spectacular dive to save the goal. 守门员做了一个精彩的鱼跃动作救回一球.

  12. Yes, both. Last trip I fished a little and hiked three miles. 是的, 两者都做. 上次出去时,我钓了一会儿鱼,又步行了三英里.

  13. She had made a stew of the fish. 她做了一个炖鱼.

  14. One day a man went to a fish store to buy a fish for his dinner. 一天,一个男人去家卖鱼的铺子打算买条鱼做晚饭.

  15. What are fish eggs doing on a marathon runner"s shirt? 鱼卵在马拉松运动员衣服上做 什么 ?

  16. Fish cooked like this tastes awful. I do not like it. 这样做的鱼真难吃. 我不喜欢这样的鱼.

  17. Hellstew. Stand back and watch a crackerjack chef at work. 你太厉害了!现在我可以做我的“五星级地狱激怒琵琶鱼炖汤”了! 站好看清楚超级厨师的表演吧.

  18. It is impossible to say with certainty what Ichthyostega was doing ashore. 但我们没办法笃定说鱼石螈在岸上做些什麽事.

  19. In doing so, Marlin overcomes his tear and he rescues his son. 这样做, 马林鱼克服自己撕裂、他救了他的儿子.

  20. The fisherman wishes to finish the dish of reddish fish. 渔夫希望做完那盘略带红色之鱼.

  21. Frozen fish is not fresh enough for this dish. 翻译做这道菜,冷冻鱼不够新鲜.

  22. He is baiting the fish hook with bait made from earthworms. 他在鱼钩上挂上用蚯蚓制成的鱼食做诱饵.

  23. Go Pisces its your birthday making love to booty music. 双鱼座——你的生日,在战利品之歌中做爱.

  24. The fried fish balls made by this hotel taste good. 这家饭店的滑熘鱼丸做的很好吃.

  25. He was never without a gig, at least at weekends. 他非常喜欢捉鱼(离不开鱼叉), 至少在周末他会这样做.

  26. I tasted the fish my mother cooked with relish. 我津津有味地品尝了我妈妈做的鱼.

  27. Sometimes, you just don"t catch any fish, no matter what you do. 有时候, 你不管怎么做也钓不到一条鱼.

  28. Fish meal is mainly used as a high - protein supplement in aquaculture feed. 鱼骨粉主要用于做渔业饲料中补充蛋白质的成分.

  29. He leaned over the table and started to make another fish cake. 他俯身,开始做另一个鱼饼.

  30. Is the fish cooked enough? 鱼做的火候够 吗 ?



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