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fine food是什么意思 fine food的英语例句

2023-07-05 10:58:23来源:互联网


  对于吃货而言,fine food是不可错过的,哪怕它离我们再远。下面是七考网小编给大家整理的fine food是什么意思,供大家参阅!

  fine food是什么意思


  fine food的英语例句

  1. He has an affinity for fine food.


  2. He could afford servants, and fine food, and small way live in luxury.

  他能雇几个佣人, 有精美的食物, 他可以按他自己吝啬的方式过得很豪华.

  3. Instant - Boiled mutton slices is a fine food in winter.


  4. France is famous for its fine food and wine.


  5. Gastronomy : Art of selecting, preparing, serving, and enjoying fine food.

  烹调法: 烹调法是对食物选择 、 烹饪 、 供应和享受的艺术.

  6. They are set to showcase the fine food and wine that New Zealand has to offer.


  7. Lichee and Fine Food Festival takes place in the end of June and early July.


  8. Taurus pets enjoy the good life especially fine food and bedding, these are sturdy, dependable creatures.

  金牛座的宠物喜欢舒适的生活,尤其是精美的食物和卧具, 它们是健壮结实 、 可以信赖的小东西.

  9. Wenzhou Jinding Fine food School is a civil - operated institution, it is under Municipal Labor Bureau.

  温州市金鼎美食培训学校是市直民营事业单位, 隶属市劳动局.

  10. A superb and inexpensive restaurant. Fine food expertly served by waitresses in appetizing forms.

  华美而价廉的餐厅. 佳肴迎宾,服务专业,女服务生,开胃方式.

  11. It will satisfy your eye for fine design as well as your appetite for fine food.


  12. This company"s products are characterized with traditional Chinese fine - food culture and Japanese national flavor as well.


  13. The Popular Fine Food Street, a world delicacies, with family dishes at low prices.

  大众美食街, 美食天地, 家常菜谱,大众价格.

  14. Essentially a fine food wine with roasted chicken, pastas and creamy cheese buttery sauces.

  一款适合于烤鸡 、 意大利面、奶油干酪一起享用的美酒.


  1. Flavored coffee is sold at gourmet food stores and coffee shops.


  2. English food can be wonderful but the normal English diet is abominable.


  3. The smells of delicious foods floated all around him.


  4. She is sampling gastronomic delights along the Riviera.


  5. Paris is the gastronomic capital of the world.


  6. The couple share a love of gourmet cooking.


  7. This book is the definitive guide to world cuisine.


  8. He has an affinity for fine food.


  9. If you"re slimming, resisting tempting goodies becomes a measure of your "success" as a woman.


  10. Life is not worth living without food you can look forward to and enjoy!


  11. They also publish an excellent cookery book called "The Flavours Of Gujarat" (£2.95, plus £0.25 p & p).


  12. The BBC Good Food Show is giving away free tickets in a competition. For details, see below.


  13. After these delicacies, the trappers were ready for their feast.

  在享用了这些美食之后, 狩猎者开始其大餐.

  14. Burgundy has always been considered a major centre of gastronomy.


  15. New Orleans is famous for its cuisine.



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