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至高无上的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-05-25 15:46:25来源:七考网


most lofty; the highest; crowning; paramount; supreme; sovereign; transcendent

The most exalted
至高无上Having supreme authority;sovereign.
最高权力的,至尊的有至高无上的权力的;最高的 This is the only and sovereign agent.
这是唯一的,至高无上的起因。No one questions the queen"s sovereign authority.
没有人怀疑女王的至高无上的权力。 Truth is great and will prevail.
真理是至高无上的,且必将获胜。They were the first to believe firmly in the supremacy of free inquiry.
他们首先坚信自由探究的至高无上性。Every citizen should acknowlede the majesty of the law.
每个公民都认可法律至高无上的权威。The good of the people is the highest law.——Cicero
人民的利益应是至高无上的法律。——西塞罗"Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control, these three alone lead life to sovereign power"
只要自重、自觉、自制,人生就可达到至高无上的境地"Paper qualifications, though useful, is not a be all and end all."

adj. 高耸的;崇高的;高傲的

She hate his lofty manner.
她恨他那傲慢的举止。 This displayed the lofty spirit of the patriotic general
她听到儿子去世的消息时没有表露出悲痛的样子。Liberality in bestowing gifts, especially in a lofty or condescending manner.

adj. high的最高级

The highest art is to conceal art
最高的艺术就是不露艺术The sweetest grapes hang the highest
最甜的葡萄挂在最高的地方The highest Branch is not the safest roost

n. 王冠,王国;王位;桂冠;花冠;顶部
v. 为...加冕;形成...顶部;使圆满;敲脑壳

No cross, no crown.
没有磨难,就没有皇冠。The crown was beset with diamonds and jewels.
皇冠上镶嵌着钻石和珠宝。 The crown is an attribute of kingship.


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