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位置:七考网 > 外语类 > 英语口语 > 什么是借记卡  正文


2023-07-19 20:40:05来源:互联网


  借记卡由发卡银行向社会发行的,具有转账结算、存取现金、购物消费等功借记卡(Debit Card)是指先存款后消费(或取现)没有透支功能的银行卡。接下来小编为大家整理了什么是借记卡,希望对你有帮助哦!

  The debit card deposit is defined as one that does not have a definite term, which is based on the current passbook account opened in the bank. It can't be overdrafted. With one current passbook, only onedebit card can be opened. You can apply for the debit card without any guarantee. The functions of the card includes deposit or withdrawal, account transferring between the cards, inquiry of remaining amount, modification of password and consumption on the POS, etc. The cardholder can report loss, freeze, cancel the report of loss, cancel the freeze of the debit card . All these don't influence the use of the basic account.

  Service Features

  Debit card deposit is the most basic and conventional method of bank deposit. A client may make deposits or withdrawals at any time. For its free and flexible use of funds, the debit card deposit is taken as the basis of clients' financial asset managements.


  Aside from the functions of deposit and withdrawal, adebit card deposit account also has the following functions:

  1.To apply for debit card with which you may handle such banking services as withdrawals and transfer on an ATM, and consumption at the specially engaged shops;

  2.To handle salary payment service on agency;

  3.To apply for telephone banking service;

  4.To make an automatic banking.

  A client with a debit card deposit account may handle the deposit or the withdrawal at any savings office with the debit card.

  Procedures for Account Opening

  1.A debit card may be issued to you at the same time at any savings office after you transact the deposits and deposit a certain amount of cash (RMB 1 yuan at least) at the card issuing institution.

  2.At the time of account opening, the client may choose the method of withdrawal by password. If the method of withdrawal password is chosen, the client shall put on the spot a six-digit password into your savings account. The password is put in through the password processor on the counter and is unknown to any other person including the teller of the bank. The password is the key with which you may make withdrawals and you must keep it in mind and not leak it to others.


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