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70的英文翻译 70seventy的双语例句

2023-10-16 15:08:36来源:互联网







  Interstate Seventy 号州际公路 ; 70号州际公路

  Seventy weeks 七十个七 ; 七十个七

  At Seventy 到七十

  Or Seventy 或七十岁

  Seventy Eighth 七十八

  Seventy Islands 洛克群岛所属的七十岛 ; 七十岛

  Seventy Years 七十年 ; 战国七十年 ; 七十年

  Seventy Five 七十五 ; 例 ; 75例

  Lesson Seventy 第七十课


  1、 When you get to seventy,you are not so active as you were at fifty.


  2、He noted that the country had been half-slave and half-free for seventy years. Why then, he asked, should it not continue to exist that way.


  3、In just six seconds he was moving seventy miles per hour, the speed at which one’s wing goes unstable on the upstroke.


  4、Geisha can work into their eighties and nineties, and are expected to train every day even afterseventy years of experience.


  5、Then he said to Moses, "Come up to the Lord, you and Aaron, Nadab and Abibu, and seventyof the elders of Israel.


  6、At age seventy, 73% of men are still potent.


  7、Seventy miles southwest of Tokyo a moray eel slithers through the branches of a soft coral inthe cool waters of Suruga Bay.


  8、Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs and seventy palm trees, and theycamped there near the water.


  9、Of the sons also of Bigvai; Uthai, and Zabbud, and with them seventy males.


  10、If we pass over a period of seventy years we find a startlingly new development.



  Seventy miles per hour, ninety, a hundred and twenty and faster still.


  No, seventy times seven.


  And of the sons of Elam; Jeshaiah the son of Athaliah, and with him seventy males.


  And the Egyptians mourned for him seventy days.


  It is also famous for being the favorite of Queen Elizabeth II, who owns several, and has beenthe preferred pet of British royalty for over seventy years.


  Although she had read the book about a thousand and seventy five times, she never got sick ofit.


  Ten times he tried, and all ten times, as he passed through seventy miles per hour, he burst intoa churning mass of feathers, out of control, crashing down into the water.


  Hermann showed “a marked inclination for mathematics,” and his family was able to send himseventy-five miles north to Stuttgart for high school.


  Till he was seventy, Jesse figured, giving himself three more years.


  David must figure on at least seventy strong men for support.


  Just last summer, a seventy-year-old widow from Orem, Utah, was led in handcuffs to a holding cell, after letting her grass go brown.


  After only seventy-four years I’ve learned finally that who I am has far more effect on thosewhose lives I might hope to influence than any advice or judgment I might offer.


  The first free elections in over seventy years occurred in 1989 and reformist politicians sweptinto power in regional positions across the nation.


  The Lord said to Moses: "Bring me seventy of Israel"s elders who are known to you as leadersand officials among the people. Have them come to the Tent of Meeting, that they may standthere with you.

  25、耶和华对摩西说:" 你从以色列的长老招聚七十个人, 就是你所知道作百姓的长老和官长的,到我这里来, 领他们到会幕前, 使他们和你一同站立.

  Wrapped in a voluminous white blanket, and partly crammed into one of the cribs, there sat anold man apparently about seventy years of age.


  So it"s good news for you, the American people. And other countries, France, or Europeancountry, or maybe other countries, about sixty percent, seventy percent husbands said the same thing.


  So it"s good news for you, the American people. And other countries, France, or Europeancountry, or maybe other countries, about sixty percent, seventy percent husbands said the same thing.



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