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2023-07-07 16:28:24来源:七考网


degree Centigrade
degree Celsius

What"s the temperature today?"It"s 21℃(twenty-one degrees Centigrade).
“今天气温多少度?”“21摄氏度。”Water freezes at 0 degree
水在零摄氏度结冰。CentigradeBoiling point is 100 Celsius.
沸点是100摄氏度.The temperature is kept at 4 degree Celsius.
温度被保持在4摄氏度。Boiling point is 100 Celsius.
沸点是100摄氏度。It "s twenty - five degrees centigrade.
现在是摄氏度25度。A temperature of 10 degrees of frost,ie 10 degrees Celsius below freezing-point
冰点下10摄氏度的气温.The mercury hovered around 3512.
水银柱在35摄氏度左右徘徊。The maximum temperature in July may be 36 Celsius degree.
七月份最高温度可能达到36摄氏度。A rise of up to 4℃ over the course of this century is feasible.

n. 阶层;度;学位;程度

(degree of)importance,seriousness or influence
重要性、严重性或影响力(的程度) current amplification degree
电流放大率 These universities are entitled to grant degrees.

adj. 摄氏的,百分度的
n. 摄氏

Water freezes at zero degrees Centigrade.
水在摄氏零度结冰。Do you know at what temperature by centigrade milk freezes?
你知道牛奶在摄氏几度冻结吗?The forecaster gives the temperatures of foreign cities in centigrade.
The forecaster gives the temperatures of foreign cities in centigrade.celsius是什么意思
adj. 摄氏的
n. 摄氏度

Do you have a Celsius temperature scale?
你有没有摄氏温度计?Boiling point is 100 Celsius.
沸点是100摄氏度。The temperature is kept at 4 degree Celsius.


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