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2023-11-03 13:44:57来源:互联网



  名词解释:考研,即参加硕士研究生入学考试。其英文表述是“Take part in the entrance exams for postgraduate schools”。考研首先要符合国家标准,其次按照程序:与学校联系、先期准备、报名、初试、调剂、复试、复试调剂、录取等方面依次进行。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

  The huge number of test-takers for the national entrance examination for postgraduate studies, which began on Saturday, has caused hotel room shortages around exam venues.

  Figures from the Ministry of Education show that more than 1.65 million people were scheduled to take the test this year between Saturday and Monday, up 9.6 percent from last year.

  Nearly 120,000 examinees took the test in the capital as the first snow of the new year fell on Saturday.


  【讲解】文中的the national entrance examination for postgraduate studies即指 “全国研究生入学考试”,也可以说成postgraduate entrance examination或postgraduate qualification exam来表示,考研可以说成take part in the national postgraduate entrance examination。研究生入学考试分为preliminary exam(初试)和secondary examination(复试),只有初试达到复试分数线retrial accepting line才可以进入复试。硕士研究生有全日制(full-time)的,也有边工作边学习的,即on-the-job postgraduate student(在职研究生)。


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