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明白的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-06-15 16:45:02来源:七考网



I want to tell you how we were able to make sense out of this code.
我想告诉各位我们是如何弄明白这些代码的。Intelligible explanation
明白的解释No one was able to make head or tail of the figures.
这些图像谁也看不明白。A tortoise which has swallowed a firefly/Bright inside
乌龟吃萤火虫,肚子里明白I want to tell you how we were able to make sense out of this code.
我想告诉各位我们是如何弄明白这些代码的。You should bring the harmfulness of mad dogs home to your naughty child.
你应该使你那个调皮的孩子明白疯狗的危害性By gradual stages the public became in time fully alive to the need of saving the nation’s animal and plant life
社会大众渐渐地才明白需要保存本国的动植物。He gesticulated at me, but I did not catch him.
他向我做了手势,但我没明白他的意思。You said I couldn"t take photos here and I"m on the board now.
你说这里不能拍照,现在我明白了。You said I couldn"t take photos here and I"m on the board now.
adj. 清澈的;清晰的;明确的;晴朗的,明亮的;无瑕疵的;畅通的
adv. 清晰地;完全地
v. 变清澈;使清楚;扫除,清除;清(嗓子);跳过,通过;结清;放晴

attacking clear
比较平直的高远球 clear an account
结清帐户|清帐 To clear as profit.
净得利润 obvious是什么意思
adj. 显然的,明显的;明白的

It was glaringly obvious.
这是非常明显的。Their anxiety to go was obvious.
他们想去的急切心情是显而易见的。The availableness of medicine is obvious .
adj. 明确的

Well, the answer is an unequivocal and emphatic
回答是毫不含糊和断然的两个字:能够。 The statement was so unequivocal that it excluded all possible arguments.
这话说得十分明确,丝毫没有争辩的余地。the plain and unequivocal language of the laws- R.B.Taney.



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