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适销对路的英文怎么说 参考例句

2023-03-27 17:14:28来源:七考网


1. (of a product) readily marketable

To cater to the need of the customers, we produce marketable fashions in a small batch. Business talks are welcome.
本厂根据客户需要,生产适销对路的小批量时装,欢迎前来洽谈业务。Readily marketable
适销对路Ensure the ready marketability of the products
保证产品适销对路In purchasing goods, one must see to if that they"re readily marketable.
商品采购,要适销对路。Making goods readily marketable is the businessmen"s fundamental technique of operation.
使商品适销对路,是商家的基本经营术。To meet the demands of the market, our factory produces readily marketable goods. business talks are welcome.
n. 产品;产物;结果;乘积;生成物

productive farmland; his productive years; a productive collaboration.
多产的农田;他的多产年;多产的合著。 The products are of poverty.
这批产品质量很差。Mechanic Products
机械产品学 readily是什么意思
adv. 快捷地;乐意地;容易地

The problems are not readily soluble .
那些问题真的不易解决。The cell is reversible and is readily recharged.
电池可逆,并容易重新充电。 Such fine particles suspend readily in water.
a. 可销售的,销路好的,市场的

Drug on the market
卖不出的货物There is a dull market.
市场萧条。Marketing: Marketing theory, sales management.

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