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cold的反义词和例句 cold的英语例句

2023-10-04 09:08:17来源:互联网







  A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you.


  The hot weather has soured the milk.


  This dish is a bit hot.


  I could not bear with his hot temper.


  This food is best while eaten hot.


  I am going to hot up some food for you.




  We lunched out on cold meat and salad.


  It was bitterly cold that night.


  His cold manner holds people off.


  Our enthusiasm for the plan faded in the cold light of day and we realized how impractical it really was.


  The dampness is unpleasant,not to mention the cold.


  Put on your coat, or you may catch a cold.


  Cold weather disagrees with her. 寒冷天气对她不适宜。

  He lunched off cold meat and salad. 他午饭吃的是冷肉和色拉。

  I don't know how they get through these cold winters. 我不知道他们是如何熬过这些寒冷的冬天的。

  Snow is common in cold countries. 在寒冷的国家雪是常见的。

  He felt no warmth towards his comrades but was cold, indifferent and apathetic.他对同志不是满腔热情,而是冷冷清清,漠不关心,麻木不仁。

  I developed a cold last week. 上周我患了感冒。

  He wasn't discouraged when they threw cold water on his ideas. 他们对他的想法泼冷水时,他并不泄气。

  His enthusiasm for his work blew hot and cold. 在工作上他总是忽冷忽热有冬有夏。

  You ought to be careful about this kind of feverish cold, it often kicks back whenyou think you are better. 你应当对这种有发烧症状的感冒小心些,它常常在你以为好转的时候复发。

  My cold still bothers me. 我的感冒仍然困扰着我。

  She soon conditioned the children to the cold weather. 她很快就使孩子们适应了寒冷的天气。

  Cold made his teeth chatter. 寒冷使他的牙齿打颤。

  I choked Katherine off by telling her it was too cold to go out. 我向凯瑟琳说明外面太冷不能出去,劝她不要外出。

  Don't let the dog out in this cold weather. 在这种寒冷的天气,不要把狗放出去。

  She doctored her cold at home. 她在家里治疗感冒。

  A little child bleated in the cold. 一个小孩在寒冷中呜呜地叫。

  This cold weather finds out my old wound. 这个寒冷的天气使我的老伤发作了。

  Her arthritis kicks up in cold weather. 她的关节炎每到冷天就发作。

  Snow sugars if the weather becomes warm and the cold again there after. 下雪之后天气转暖又变冷,雪就变成了颗粒状。

  She dragged me out to a dancing party on that cold night. 那个寒冷的夜晚她拉我出去参加舞会。


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