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next to是什么意思双语例句

2023-03-02 20:16:14来源:互联网

  小编整理了一些关于next to的短语和相关造句,有需要的可以收藏起来参考一下。


  next to

  英 [nekst tu:] 美 [nɛkst tu]






  in or into a position right beside sb/sth

  We sat next to each other.我们紧挨着坐在一起。

  note at next


  following in order or importance after sb/sth

  Next to skiing my favourite sport is skating.我较喜欢的运动除了滑雪就是溜冰。



  Charles knew next to nothing about farming.查尔斯对耕作几乎一无所知。

  The horse came next to last (= the one before the last one) in the race.这匹马在比赛中跑了个倒数第二。


  in comparison with sb/sth

  Next to her I felt like a fraud.和她相比,我觉得自己是滥竽充数。


  The two shops are next to each other. 那两家铺子紧挨着。

  Kneels next to her. 在她身旁跪下。

  Maybe because there are so few Icelanders in the world, we know next to nothing about them.


  "Then you should sit next to her, " said the king. “那么,好吧,你也该挨着她坐吧!”国王说。

  Or onto the person next to you? 还是你旁边的那个人?

  Then silently she cuddled up next to me and rested her head on my chest for a while.


  As she sits at the bar next to me, she stares down at her vodka tonic, and then the ground, andthen her vodka tonic.


  It Is God, choosing what next to create.


  My answer lay in the man next to me at the summit.


  Which ever one you chose, I hope you are with someone you can snuggle up next to!


  I felt her solid body and her softness next to me.


  You see a green cylinder with a clock next to it while you create this array.


  Marshal walked next to me. 元帅走到我旁边。

  Now, he bounces next to the barbecue. 现在,他跳到了烧烤架旁边。

  But one morning when I slid out of bed from next to him, things felt different.


  After he draws that box, he attaches another right next to it. 画完那个箱子之后,他又在右边画了一些连接的东西。

  Have these next to you as you block out the basic animation. 用这些方法你差不多可以设计出基本的动画来。

  I and many others in the beyond are right next to you to help and support you.


  Some images do not need descriptions because they already have a description next to themon the page.


  Next to it a boy leaned against the railings, his rod and line dangling out over the floatinggarbage and the stream of brown, stinking waste which trickled from a pipe in the wall below.


  At another seminar, she talked to the person next to her.


  May I bring my chair next to yours? 我可以把我的椅子移到你的旁边吗?

  “I love you, ” I said while I lay next to him in his East Village loft.


  Back up in that space next to the blue Honda. 请倒车停在那辆兰色本田车旁边的位置。

  One by one, they stand next to the tourist, towering over him, radiating at the camera.


  The second night she sat next to me. 第二天晚上,她坐到了我的旁边。

  In my country, we will smile and chat with the person next to us. 在我们国家,人们会微笑着,然后跟身旁的人聊天。


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