全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00
位置:七考网 > 外语类 > 提升英语 > 幽默英语口语笑话大全(幽默英语口语)  正文


2023-02-23 11:19:44来源:互联网





  “I am sorry”。

  “I am sorry, too” 外国人回答。

  “I am sorry three” 我道。

  “What are you sorry for?” 外国人问。

  “I am sorry five” 我说……

  男:Can I buy you a drink?(我可以为你买一杯饮料吗?)

  女:Actually I""d rather have the money.(不必,我我宁愿留下那些钱。 )


  男:Will you go out with me this Saturday?(这个星期六你想跟我出去吗?)

  女:Sorry. I""m having a headache this weekend.(抱歉。这个周末我头疼。)

  男:Can I have your name?(直译:我能有你的名字吗?)

  女:Why? Don""t you already have one? (为什么?你不是已经有一个了吗?)


  男:I think I could make you very happy.(我想我能让你非常快乐。)

  女:Why? Are you leaving?(是吗?你是说你要离开?)

  1. TEACHER: George, go to the map and find North America.

  GEORGE: Here it is!

  TEACHER: Correct. Now, class, who discovered America?

  CLASS: George!

  2. TEACHER: Ellen, give me a sentence starting with "I".

  ELLEN: I is...

  TEACHER: No, Ellen. We always say, "I am."

  ELLEN: All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."

  3. TEACHER: If I had seven oranges in one hand and eight oranges in the other, what would I have?

  CLASS: Big hands!

  4. TEACHER: Didn"t you promise to behave?

  STUDENT: Yes, Sir.

  TEACHER: And didn"t I promise to punish you if you didn"t?

  STUDENT: Yes, Sir, but since I broke my promise, I don"t expect you to keep yours.

  5. TEACHER: In this box, I have a 10-feet snake.

  SAMMY: You can"t fool me, Teacher... snakes don"t have feet.On the

  beach 沙滩上有趣的对话 A man was sunbathing naked at the

  beach. 一男于沙滩上裸晒。 For the sake of civility, and to keep it from getting sunburned, 为了文明点,也因为怕太阳灼伤它he had a hat ove 


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