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error是什么意思 error的英语例句

2023-02-22 15:26:25来源:互联网

最近小编看到大家都在讨论error是什么意思 error的英语例句相关的事情,对此呢小编也是非常的感应兴趣,那么这件事究竟是怎么发生的呢?具体又是怎么回事呢?下面就是小编搜索到的关于error是什么意思 error的英语例句事件的相关信息,我们一起来看一下吧!






  英 ['erə(r)]     美 ['erər]


  He overlooked a spelling error on the first page.


  An alert listener will have noticed the error.


  Every man is liable to error.


  The accident was caused by human error.


  Human error invoked the disaster.



  Error analysis of the measurement system is given.


  After several repetitions there still remains an error.


  Divination is made up of a little error and superstition, plus a lot of fraud.


  The plane was shot down in error by a NATO missile 一枚北约的导弹误将那架飞机击落。

  The hospital blamed the mix-up on a clerical error 医院方面将这一混乱归咎于一处笔误。

  You have to allow for a certain amount of error 你必须将一定量的误差考虑在内。

  Every error is captured, every decision picked to pieces 每个错误都会被抓住,每个决定都会被骂得一无是处。

  The government has said it was an inadvertent error 政府声称那是因疏忽造成的过失。

  He had made a humiliating tactical error and he had to go 他犯了一个让他颜面尽失的战术错误,只得引咎辞职。

  It was a diabolical error, a schoolboy error 那是个十分低级的错误,一个小学生才会犯的错误。

  Many drugs were found by trial and error 很多药物都是通过反复试验才发现的。

  NASA discovered a mathematical error in its calculations 美国国家航空航天局在它的计算结果中发现了一个数学错误。

  No payments were made last week because of a computer error 由于计算机出错,上周未付任何款项。

  The survey has a margin of error of 2.5% 测量的误差幅度为2.5%。

  The accident was caused by pilot error 这场事故是飞行员的失误造成的。

  Working without a break makes you more prone to error 连续工作不停歇使人更容易出错。

  an error in translation 误译

  The Kenyan athlete made a tactical error in starting too fast 肯尼亚运动员犯了战术错误,起步时跑得太快

  His tiredness caused him to make a regrettable error 他由于疲劳而犯了个令人遗憾的错误

  The error was due to carelessness pure and simple 这个差错完全是由于粗心造成的

  A minimal error or deviation may result in wide divergence 失之毫厘,谬以千里

  Here he fell into the common error of judging by appearances 在此他又犯了一般以貌取人的通病

  Even the wise are not always free from error 智者千虑,必有一失


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