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compare用法总结精讲 compare相关词汇辨析

2023-01-30 16:00:14来源:互联网

在生活中,很多人都不知道compare用法总结精讲 compare相关词汇辨析是什么意思,其实他的意思是非常简单的,下面就是小编搜索到的compare用法总结精讲 compare相关词汇辨析相关的一些知识,我们一起来学习下吧!




  (1) compared to/with... 和……相比

  I’ve had some difficulties, but they were nothing compared to yours.


  My own problems seem insignificant compared with other people’s.


  (2) compare...to... 把……比作

  The poet compared the stream to the source of life.


  (3) compare...with... 把……和……比较

  I compared the copy with the original, and there wasn’t much difference.


  (4) without/beyond compare 无与伦比(compare用作名词)

  The loveliness of the scene was beyond compare.



  (1) comparison n. 比较;对比

  (2) by comparison 比较起来;相比之下

  (3) by/ in comparison (with sb/sth)(与……)相比较


  ________ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. (2004湖北卷)

  A. Compare B. When comparing

  C. Comparing D. When compared

  【分析】 该题考查状语从句的省略及动词compare的用法。compare可构成compare ... with ... 短语,意为 “把……与……相比较”,该句前面补全为When (it is) compared with the size of the whole earth, 由于主句的主语和从句的主语一致,所以省略了it is,该题的正确答案为D。


  1. vt. 比较;对照。着重人与人或事物与事物之间的异同,常和介词with连用。

  If you compare both of our cars, you will find them very much alike. 如果你对比我们的两辆汽车,你就会发现它们非常相似。

  He began comparing himself with the other teammates and found he didn’t practice as hard as them. 他开始将自己和其他的队员们比较,发现不如他们训练得认真。

  2. vt. 比喻为;比作。指出两个事物之间的关系或相似之处,常与介词to连用。

  Young people are compared to the sun at eight or nine in the morning. 年青人常常被比作早晨 八、九点钟的太阳。

  In many poems, we can see that poets compare sleep to death. 在许多诗里面,我们会看到诗人把睡眠比作死亡。

  3. vi. 与……相比 / 匹敌。后接介词with。

  No one can compare with Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies. 作为悲剧作家,没有人能同莎士比亚相比。

  My little house can’t compare with his villa. 我的小房子是无法和他的别墅相比的。

  4. n. 比较。不可数,常用于惯用语中。

  The view of the little hill is beyond compare. 这小山的景色无与伦比。

  The height of the new building is without compare in the world. 这座新大楼的高度在世界上是无与伦比的。




  compare 侧重比较两个或更多东西的异同优劣,强调相同或类似之处。

  compare to指两物有类似或相似之处,从而“把(一物)比作(另一物)。”

  compare with指“把……用……作比较”以便找出差异或好坏。

  contrast 指比较两个或更多东西之间的差异,侧重不同点。


  1. Compare this new TV set with the old one, you will see which is better.


  2. Compare with adults, the kids lack of experiences.


  3. You should compare the prices before you buy something.



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