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简体中文的英文是什么 简体中文的英语例句

2023-01-17 16:01:50来源:互联网

最近小编看到大家都在讨论简体中文的英文是什么 简体中文的英语例句相关的事情,对此呢小编也是非常的感应兴趣,那么这件事究竟是怎么发生的呢?具体又是怎么回事呢?下面就是小编搜索到的关于简体中文的英文是什么 简体中文的英语例句事件的相关信息,我们一起来看一下吧!




  simplified Chinese



  If he chooses Simplified Chinese as the display language, he will see the local time displayed inChinese customs.


  This redirect, which offers unfiltered search in simplified Chinese, has been working well for ourusers and for Google.


  For example, suppose you want to support Simplified Chinese in an application.


  Japanese and Simplified Chinese readers will continue to have links to the human translatedversions available as before.


  Then you might create values such as English, German, Simplified Chinese, and so forth.


  Then when the user logs in the Web site, the site displays all the content in Simplified Chinese.


  For example, a user can browser the portal Web site in English, but they can set theirmeasurement format or calendar format to Simplified-Chinese.


  In our sample, we take Simplified Chinese and English as an example.


  Google said its decision to re-route traffic to an uncensored Hong Kong site in simplifiedChinese that is specifically designed for users in mainland China is "entirely legal."


  Adobe Systems Inc., a maker of graphics software such as its Creative Suite, has sold thesimplified Chinese-language versions of its products for about 20% less than U.S. prices since2006.


  1. There are many who believe that simplified Chinese characters should be made to walk the plank.


  2. Maximum flexibility between simplified Chinese , traditional Chinese, and English is an essential feature of its production.

  使用简体中文, 繁体中文和英文的最大灵活性是本网络产品的本质特征.

  3. Svenska : Stalin, Lenin och Kalinin vid det Sovjetunionens kommunistiska partis? ttonde kongress i mars 1919.

  简体中文: 斯大林, 列宁和加里宁在1919年3月苏联共产党第八次代表大会上.

  4. All advertisement should adopt Mandarin Chinese and atandard simplified Chineses chiaracters.


  5. Support system default Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional and English language support III.

  系统默认支持中文简体 、 中文繁体和英文三中语言支持.

  6. If you can see the following lines in Chinese , you already have fonts.

  如果你能看见这行中文字, 说明你已经有了中文简体字体.

  7. This is an unofficial translation of the GNU General Public License into simplified Chinese.



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