全国统一学习专线 8:30-21:00
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发布时间:2022-02-16 11:23:38来源:转载

商务英语信函常用句子有哪些?This places our dealers in a highly competitive position andalso enable them to enjoy a maximum profit.这样可以使我方经营者具有很强的竞争力,还可获得较大的利润。下面是商务英语信函句子的内容,希望对各位有所帮助。


Give feedback 意见反馈

Please see comments below. 请看下面的评论。

My answers are in blue below. 我的回答已标蓝。

I add some comments to the document for your reference. 我就文档添加了一些备注,仅供参考。

Attachment 附件

I enclose the evaluation report for your reference. 我附加了评估报告供您阅读。

Attached please find today's meeting notes. 今天的会议记录在附件里。

Attach is the design document, please review it. 设计文档在附件里,请评阅。

Seeking for more information/feed backs/suggestions 咨询信息/反馈/建议

Shall you have any problem accessing the folders, please let me knows. 如果存取文件有任何问题请和我联系。

Thank you and look forward to having your opinion on the estimation and schedule. 谢谢你,希望能听到更多你对评估和日程计划的建议。

Look forward to your feedbacks and suggestions soon. 期待您的反馈建议!

Initiate a meeting 发起会议

I suggest we have a call tonight at 9:30pm (China Time) with you and Brown. Please let me know if the time is okay for you and Ben. 我建议我们今晚九点半和Brown小聚一下,你和Ben有没有空?

I would like to hold a meeting in the afternoon about our development planning for the project A. 今天下午我建议我们就A项目的发展计划开会讨论一下。

Greeting message 祝福

Hope you have a good trip back. 祝旅途愉快。

How are you? 你好吗?

How is the project going on? 项目进行顺利吗?

相关内容: 商务英语 商务英语信函 商务英语信函常用句子


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