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2023-04-17 11:07:53来源:七考网



Ugh… why did I buy that stupid device from that godforsaken Albino Kangaroo?
啊…为什么我买的荒凉,从白化袋鼠愚蠢设备?semi - trailer kangaroo
袋鼠形半拖车(装在凹形底板的平车上)"The farmer"s wife, Lynn, said she had been alerted by the kangaroo"s out-of-character behaviour. "
农夫的妻子林恩说袋鼠当时超乎寻常的举动提醒了她。The theme characterizes Aaron"s Rod and Kangaroo. In The Plumed Serpent (1926), it intertwines with “Blood Brotherhood.”
《亚伦的神杖》(1992)和《袋鼠》的主题特点正是如此。《羽蛇》(1926)中则掺和着“兄弟手足情”的侧写。Australia is the province of the kangaroo.
澳大利亚是袋鼠的生长地。The kangaroo has a pouch.
袋鼠有一个育儿袋。A kangaroo is an interesting animal.
袋鼠是有趣的动物。An exceptionally swift kangaroo.
行动极其敏捷的袋鼠The kangaroo is a native of Australia.
袋鼠是澳大利亚的土生动物。Kangaroos" hind legs are enormously powerful.

n. 袋鼠

The kangaroo has a pouch.
袋鼠有一个育儿袋。"The female of various mammals, such as the hare, goat, or kangaroo."
哺乳动物如兔、山羊或袋鼠等的母性.It"s funny to see the little kangaroos jump into the old ones" pouch.
看这些小袋鼠跳到老袋鼠的袋里去是多么有趣。In the fight, the Australian kangaroo appears to reel backwards after receiving a right hook from its garishly attired opponent.
在搏斗中,澳大利袋鼠在遭到盛装出场的对手的右勾拳后,似乎向后一个趔趄。Female kangaroo has saved an Australian farmer"s life by alerting his family that he was lying unconscious in a field.


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