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回答用英语怎么说 reply是什么意思

2023-04-12 16:38:26来源:七考网



An indecisive answer
非决定性的回答a formidable question
难以回答的问题The spokesman"s answer was just too glib
发言人的回答太圆滑了。Haphazard answers are usually wrong.
随便的回答往往是不对的。The answer of some problems is unskillful
一些问题的回答是不熟练的。She falsified in her answer.
她回答问题时撒谎。The foreign minister called a press conference to answer some questions.
外交部长召开新闻发布会并回答有关问题。the obsessional character of his response; obsessive gambling.
他的回答的着迷的特征;着迷于赌博。 "Nor I", answered Marianne with energy.
“我也没有”,玛丽安强硬地回答。 (Oh,) quite = Quite (so....)

v. 回应,答复,做出反应
n. 回答,答复

Reply to the sender and all the recipients Reply to the sender and all the recipients Reply All
回复发件人和所有收件人,回复发件人和所有收件人,回复全部Post reply to the Newsgroup and mail a reply to the author
将回复消息投递到新闻组并向作者回复一个邮件His challenge draws no reply.
他的挑战没有引出回答。He chose not to reply.
他决定不回答。 In business, a prompt reply is imperative.

n. 回答,应答,答覆
v. 回答;答复

a guarded answer
谨慎的回答 Answer the following questions by choosing the best answer.
选择最佳答案,回答下列问题。I want a specific answer.
我想要一个明确的回答。A few words would answer.
少数信息应该满足。 You"ll have to answer for the consequence.


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