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牙医的英文 牙医参考例句

2023-04-12 16:35:50来源:七考网


dental surgeon
surgeon dentist

A doctor can be a person who treats people"s teeth.
牙医是治疗牙齿的人。The dentist drilled the bad bits out of a tooth
牙医把牙齿上蛀坏的部分钻掉。I want a wife to keep track of the children"s doctor and dentist appointments and to keep track of mine, too
我希望有一个能够随时注意与孩子的医生或者牙医取得联系的妻子,而且,她还得随时与我自己的医生或者牙医保持联系The dentist suggested that she (should) come another day.
牙医建议她改天再来。I must go to the dentist.
我必须去看牙医。She dreads going to the dentist.
她怕去看牙医。She made visits to her dentist periodically.
她定期去看牙医。She made periodical visits to her dentist.
她定期去看牙医。A physician,dentist,or veterinarian.
内科医生,牙医或兽医The dentist drilled my tooth.

n. 牙科医生,牙医

A physician,dentist,or veterinarian.
内科医生,牙医或兽医The dentist carefully located the filling in the cavity
牙医小心地把填塞的东西放入牙洞里。When you have a toothache, you immediately call the dentist.

adj. 牙齿的;牙科的;齿音的
n. 齿音

The back of the dental chair was adjustable.
这个椅子的靠背可以调整。Mike works in a dental clinic.
迈克在一家牙科诊所工作。Alpha Dental Centre, Your Preferred Dental Care Provider!

n. 外科医生

The surgeon cauterized the wart.
外科医生烧灼了那个疣。As a surgeon, Philip was exceptionally gifted.
作为外科医生,菲利普才华出众。 Gillies saw the plastic surgeon as a sculptor.


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