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便宜的英文怎么说 (inexpensive例句)

2023-04-10 15:15:42来源:七考网



For a song
很便宜A frugal lunch
便宜的午餐It"s a cheap but healthy home cooking.
这是一道便宜而健康的家常菜。The cheapness of coach travel is its only recommendation.
乘长途汽车唯一可取之处就是旅费便宜。This split-level house is for rent. It"s a bargain.
这间错层平房是出租的,租金很便宜。Sending packages by sea is cheaper But slower than by air.
以海路运送包裹较空运便宜但速度较慢。This split-level house is for rent. Its a bargain
这所错层平房是出租的。租金很便宜。There will be great discounts all day long, but the best doorbuster deals will be in the early hours.
黑色星期五全天减价,但最便宜的还要算早上开门大抢购的促销商品。Free trial lessons, low cost, small classes, group or private instruction, friendly atmosphere
免费试读,学费便宜,小班上课,分组练习个别辅导,学习气氛浓厚Best though it was, his suit smacked of cheap tailoring and bucolic unfashionableness

adj. 便宜的

They are abundant, widely available, and inexpensive.
它们含量丰富,来源广泛,且价格便宜。This kind of paper is comparatively inexpensive to produce.
相对来说,这种纸的生产成本较低。Good and inexpensive goods enjoy customers" high praise.
价廉物美的商品,深受顾客欢迎。 We had better make use of something inexpensive.
我们最好使用某种便宜的东西。We stocked a wide range of inexpensive wines.


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