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奖学金的英文怎么说 scholarship例句

2023-04-10 15:15:14来源:七考网



I need (to get) a scholarship.
我想申请奖学金。I feel quite sure about getting the scholarship.
我很确信能得到奖学金。Last year I was awarded the Nanjing Press Association Scholarship for journalism.
去年我获得南京报业协会新闻奖学金。For his outstanding thesis,the school board hold a discuss awarded him a big exhibition.
由于他的杰出论文,校董事会商量决定给他颁布一个丰厚的奖学金。Thank you very much for your letter of May 26, in which you offer me a graduate assistantship.
非常感谢您5月26日的来信中提到提供给我助教奖学金,你真是太好了。Scholarship on a high plane.
高水平的奖学金She won a scholarship to go to university.
她获得了上大学的奖学金。Diana is a shoo - in to win a scholarship.
黛安娜获奖学金十拿九稳。Sit for a scholarship
为获奖学金而参加考试Win a scholarship to the university

n. 奖学金;学问

She is going for the scholarship.
她在努力争取奖学金。Of profound, thoughtful in, scholarship
好学深思She won a scholarship to go to university.
她获得了上大学的奖学金。The book is a demonstration of scholarship without pedantry.
这本书表现出学术水平又不故意卖弄学问。He distinguished himself by his scholarship.


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