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涨价用英语怎么说 参考例句

2023-04-10 15:02:43来源:七考网


rise in price
increase in price

Momentum of price hike
涨价风Clap sth on(sth)add sth to the price of sth,esp in an unwelcome way
涨价,提价(尤指不得人心的)Rail traveller is complained about rising fare.
铁路乘客抱怨车票涨价。Rising prices for consumer goods pinch the pocketbooks of workers" families.
消费品涨价使工人家庭的经济利益受影响。Telephone users will be facing higher bills next quarter.
电话用户下季度将面临电话费涨价的问题。A price hike now would accelerate growth with minimal negative feedback, Glass said.
格拉斯说,(星巴克)现在涨价能在负面影响最小的情况下加速发展。Apples are costing more these days
这几天苹果涨价了The stock advanced recently.
股票最近涨价。What do you think about the increase in postage?
你对邮资涨价的看法如何?I didn"t expect this advance in price.

v. 感激,感谢;欣赏,重视;理解,体会

appreciation [of situation]
判断〔局势〕 Antique paintings will appreciate with time.
古董画会随时间增值。Land will continue to appreciate.

n. 上升,升起;出现,兴起;增加;增长;高地
v. 上升;增强,增加;起立;起床;高耸;使…飞起;使…浮上水面;复活;发酵

to erect; to rise
竖立 Prices are on the rise.
价格在上涨。To rise with the crow of cocks—assiduity and early rising

n. 价格,价值;代价
v. 给…定价;问…的价格

Prices are advancing.
各种物价都在上涨。The price is outrageous.
价钱高得吓人。Prices are on the rise.


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