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在某方面的英文怎么说 some是什么意思:

2023-04-08 20:16:16来源:七考网


in a way ;in some respects

He was eager to get out of the(common)ruck and distinguish himself in some way.
他渴望出人头地,在某方面与众不同.The new product is alike to the old one in a manner.
新产品在某方面与旧产品相似。As regards sth;with special reference to sth
关于某事物;就某方面而言He was eager to distinguish himself in some way.
他渴望在某方面受人注目。(of a person)not good or skilled at sth
(指人)在某方面不好的,对某事物不熟练的Give special emphasis to one particular aspect of sth; show sth very clearly
强调某事物的某方面;明确显示某事物The aspect of a case at law comprising events determined by evidence

adj. 一些的,若干的
adv. 非常;大约
pron. 有些人,有的东西

Some were employers, some employees, some masters, some handymen
有的是老板,有的是伙计,有的是业主,有的是干零活的。Would you like some leg or some breast ?
你要腿肉还是胸脯肉? It was some foul parody, some infamous ignoble satire.
这是一个卑劣的讽刺,一个鄙俗、邪恶的嘲弄。 There were some holes in that theory, some unanswered questions.
那个理论中有一些漏洞,一些问题没有解答。 The world is a ladder for some to go up and some down

v. 尊重,尊敬;考虑;遵守
n. 尊敬,尊重;敬意,问候;考虑,关心;方面

To be respected encourages one to be worthy of such respect
人敬人高He is apparently a respectable man.
他肯定是个正派的人。She is poor but quite respectable.
她虽穷,人品却很端正。She gave a respectable performance.
她的演出还不错。20000 is a very respectable salary.


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