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反省的英语怎么说 参考例句

2023-04-06 16:24:37来源:七考网


engage in introspection

ponder; reflect on, or reason about.
沉思;思考,反省,推理。 He is an introspective person
他是个好自我反省的人。Please reflect on your actions.
请反省一下自己的行动吧。Introspection, and with the habit of keeping a diary, was a common Puritan trait.
自我反省和写日记的习惯是清教徒共有的特点。After much soul-searching I decided to break off my engagement.
经过长时间的自我反省后,我决定解除我的婚约。introspection, and with the habit of keeping a diary, was a common Puritan trait
自我反省和写日记的习惯是清教徒共有的特点。Without self reflection, a man will become stagnant
一个人不经常反省,头脑会变得迟钝。The Retrospective Review that the elect had revived.
《反省杂志》已被一批出类拔萃的人复刊了。People must introspect past and create better human societies and civilizations.

n. 内省,反省

He is an introspective person
他是个好自我反省的人。The crisis also causes us to introspect.
危机也应让我们反思。We should introspect the cause of disease.

n. 灵魂;高尚情操;心性;内心;心灵

There is no gall or spite in my soul.
我内心对谁都没有怨恨或恶意。 He is the soul of honor.
他是荣誉的化身。The eye is the mirror of the soul


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