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展望未来的英文 参考例句

2023-04-06 16:24:21来源:七考网


look beyond

Gazing into futurity
展望未来.Review the past and look forward to the future.
回顾过去,展望未来。Look ahead, we are full of confidence.
展望未来,我的信心十足。 It is useful occasionally to look at the past to gain a perspective on the present
偶尔回顾过去有助于展望未来Youth look forward and age Backward
青年人展望未来,老年眷恋过去Look forward to the future, we envision bright prospect for China"s development.
展望未来, 中国的发展前景无限美好。The economic outlook is one of rising unemployment.
展望未来的经济,失业率将会上升。Looking ahead, I am filled with boundless confidence and enthusiasm.
展望未来,我充满信心和热忱。It is useful occasionally to look at the past to gain a perspective on the present(Fabian Linden)
偶尔回顾过去有助于展望未来(法比安·林登)We must face the differences, but let us try to see beyond them down the long vista of the future

v. 看,瞧,看起来,寻找
n. 看,查看,外表,容貌
int. 喂,听我说

Look at this gadget.
看看这个小玩艺儿。Look at that millepede.
看那只千足虫。While it looks like a truth, it looks like a dream.
它看起来是那么真实,又是那么虚幻。The pinched look of a hungry person.
面如菜色。She looks pretty in oak.

prep. 那一边;在...较远的一边;超过;越过
adv. 在远处;在更远处
n. 更远处;来世

Beyond the scope
越出范围 Beyond the seas
在国外,在海外Beyond gainsay, it is a genuine Rembrandt.
无可否认地,那是真的伦布兰特(的画)。Beyond one"s grasp
鞭长莫及His behavior was beyond bearing.


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