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位置:七考网 > 外语类 > IB英语 > 周杰伦《兰亭序》:中国风遇上英文歌词  正文


2023-03-22 15:52:02来源:七考网



‘Orchid Pavilion’ by Jay Chou

Composer: Jay Chou/Zhou Jielun
Lyrics: Vincent Fang/Fang Wenshan
Singer: Jay Chou/Zhou Jielun



兰亭临帖 行书如行云流水
Practicing calligraphy at the Orchid Pavilion, the semi-cursive script resembling sailing clouds and flowing water

月下门推 心细如你脚步碎
Under the moon the door yielded to a gentle push, your thoughtfulness reflected in your fragile footsteps

忙不迭 千年碑易拓 却难拓你的美
In haste, the one-thousand-year tablet is easy to copy, yet your beauty is not

真迹绝 真心能给谁
If the original script were gone, to whom would I give my heart?

牧笛横吹 黄酒小菜又几碟
I was playing the flute over the rice wine and several dishes

夕阳余晖 如你的羞怯似醉
The sun’s setting rays were like your blushes as if drunk

摹本易写 而墨香不退与你共留余味
A copy is easy to make, and the fragrance of the ink did not fade away, like the remnants of your scent

一行朱砂 到底圈了谁
A stripe of cinnabar, whose name after all did it circle?


无关风月 我题序等你回
No matter when, I write the preface while awaiting your return

悬笔一绝 那岸边浪千叠
Holding the brush with my arm in mid-air, I completed the character, the waves piled up against the shore

情字何解 怎落笔都不对
But how could I understand the character “love”? Whatever stroke I started with always seemed wrong

而我独缺 你一生的了解
because the one thing I lack, is the understanding of your life


弹指岁月 倾城顷刻间烟灭
Years passed in a snap of fingers, beauty vanished in an instant

青石板街 回眸一笑你婉约
On the bluestone alley, you glanced back and smiled with grace and restraint

恨了没 你摇头轻叹谁让你蹙着眉
Have you regretted or not? You shook your head and sighed. Who put a frown on your face?

而深闺 徒留胭脂味
And deep in the lady’s chamber, the smell of the rouge lingered in vain

人雁南飞 转身一瞥你噙泪
As geese flew south in a v-pattern, I turned around and caught a glimpse of your tears

掬一把月 手揽回忆怎么睡
Holding a handful of moonlight in my hands, how could I sleep with those memories?

又怎么会 心事密缝绣花鞋针针怨对
And how could the matters of your heart be so tightly sewn into the embroidered shoes, with every pair of stitches so filled with resentment?

若花怨蝶 你会怨着谁
If the flower resented the butterfly, whom would you resent?


无关风月 我题序等你回
No matter when, I write the preface while awaiting your return

手书无愧 无惧人间是非
These handwritten words have no qualms, not afraid of the rights and wrongs of the human world

雨打蕉叶 又潇潇了几夜
The rain has been striking the banana leaves, the whistling and pattering having lasted for several nights

我等春雷 来提醒你爱谁
I await the spring thunder to remind you who you really love


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