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2023-02-04 08:56:53来源:互联网

哈喽小伙伴们 ,今天给大家科普一个小知识。在日常生活中我们或多或少的都会接触到雅思口语part1话题范文(雅思口语范文)方面的一些说法,有的小伙伴还不是很了解,今天就给大家详细的介绍一下关于雅思口语part1话题范文(雅思口语范文)的相关内容。





1.What kind of gifts do you prefer to receive? Why?

Flowers will be a perfect gift for me. The fragrance just lifts me up and the color, be it red, yellow or blue, will also flatten me when I take selfies. Another kind gift could be dolls like a teddy bear. The room appears warmer and more comfortable when covered with a wide range of dolls.

2.Do you like to send gifts to others?

I am a very busy person, which means I have little time to waste making this person or that feel better about themselves or to join in their celebrations. I do, however, observe etiquette, and send my regards by means of online delivery companies. I always pick the worst presents.

3.What do you usually give to others as gifts?

I have many relatives living all over China. Since travelling is time consuming and expensive, I prefer to deliver my presents to them, rather than give it to them myself. I discovered that flowers are an easy and inexpensive gift to serve for almost all occasions.

4.What kind of gifts did you like when you were a kid?

When I was a child, I loved the gifts of doll. One of my favorite dolls was a teddy bear who had a long snout and big, round eyes. He was covered in rich brown fur, or at least; he was when I first got him from my grandmother when I was an infant. Soon his fur was thin and worn because I carried him everywhere and almost never let him go!

5.What was the best gift you received when you were a kid?

As a child, the best gift that I received ever was a soft toy like a teddy bear. He had a long snout and big, round eyes. He was covered in rich brown fur, or at least; he was when I first got him from my grandmother when I was an infant. Soon his fur was thin and worn because I carried him everywhere and almost never let him go!

6.Will you pick gifts online?

Of course, I will do so because I have many relatives living all over China. Since travelling is time consuming and expensive, I prefer to pick gifts on shopping websites and deliver my presents to them, rather than give it to them myself. I discovered that flowers are an easy and inexpensive gift to serve for almost all occasions.

7.How often do you buy others gifts?

I guess it is not often.I usually give gifts to my friends and family mainly on their birthdays.Besides,I will make a couple of gifts to my girlfriend by myself in some festival like Valentine s day and Christmas Day.

8.Do you like to send expensive gifts?

No, it s totally unnecessary. Gifts don t mean material object all the time and can be something special, including forgiveness and kindness.

9.What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?

I think for Chinese people, It s common to send each others tea as gifts. Especially the longjin tea, which is world-famous.


1.Do you prefer to study in the morning or in the evening?

I prefer to study in the morning cos my mind is active after a good rest at night. We have the old saying: the best season during a day is the morning.

2.Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning?

I reckon because they don t have a good rest, say they stayed up late the night before. Some people have really irregular timetables.

3.What do you do to improve your learning efficiency?

I would say, to integrate work with leisure, have a clear division of work and rest by making a clear schedule. Keeping a good mood also matters a lot.


1.Do you mind noises?

Yes, traffic noise has a huge influence on me and this may lead to permanent hearing loss. Actually, I m quite sensitive to this kind of sound. You know, even the sound of a car alarm in the next street can wake me up at midnight.

2.What types of noise do you come across in your daily life?

Well, I hate the noise that caused by transport, industrial and recreational activities in the city. These kinds of noise almost drives me crazy and it may lead to an increase in stress. What s more, it can increase the risk of deaf.

3.Are there any sounds that you like?

Well, I like listening bird singing, especially in the morning. Though birds are using their voice to impress mates and proclaim territories, the lovely sound can still comfort my mind and keep me in good mood all day.

4.Where can you (= one) hear loud noise?

On construction site! I really can t stand the sound of drilling, simply because it s just such a loud and unpleasant noise.

5.Do you think there s too much noise in modern society?

Yes ,Loud music on the street and the noise made by cars, trams and phone calls are all noise I can t stand. Also, people talking constantly drive me nuts. I think the world is getting noisier, I know it is harder to find a quiet place anymore.

6.Are cities becoming noisier?

Yes, I think cities are getting noisier, yeah, basically because if you compare the situation in cities now to what it was like 10 or 15 years ago, then it s obvious that cities have got a lot noisier, mainly, of course, due to the increase in traffic on the roads. So unless something changes, I would say that this trend is likely to continue into the future, unfortunately.

7.What natural sound(s) do you like (the most)? (Why?)

I like chirping. Birds chirping always cheers me up in the morning.

8.What sounds do you dislike?(Why?)

I hate the sounds made by finger nails on chalk board because it annoys me and make me feel nervous.

9.What sounds remind you of your childhood?

I remember when I was a kid and I visited my grandparents house every summer, the sound of their screen door opening brings my mind back to those times in my life.


1.How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?

Children are fond of parties and lovely gifts. Also they like celebrate it with friends like getting together and have a great meal.

2.How did you celebrate your last birthday?

My last birthday was held in a restaurant. I invites my best friends and We had birthday cake, sang and danced together. My parents and my friends gave me some nice and beautiful presents.

3.What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?

I d like to receive some intellectual gifts, such as electronic dictionary, notebook computer and so on.

4.Is there a difference between the way you celebrated your birthday in the past and in the present?

Sure, I think there s a big difference. When I was a child, my parents always prepared a birthday party for me, and we sang birthday song and ate birthday cake together. But now I seldom celebrate my birthday and sometimes I even forget it, because I m so busy and I have no time to celebrate it.

5.Do people in China celebrate birthdays?

Yes, they do. In most Chinese families, celebrating birthday with family members and friends is a tradition.

6.Which birthdays are especially important in China?

In Chinese culture, celebrating the 100th birthdays for old people is usually a big deal. People celebrate the 100th birthdays by having a birthday cake with candles or having a square meal with all the family members.

7.Do people in China have birthday parties?

Yes, most people celebrate their birthdays by holding a birthday party with their families at home or outside. And the wealthy families may choose to celebrate with a party outside, inviting relatives and friends as well.

8.Do you think it s important for people to celebrate birthday?

Sure, it s one of the greatest events in Chinese peoples life, especially for the elderly. Friends and relatives are invited for a home-cooked meal with special food, just like buns and long noodles, which both represent long-life.

9.Do you think it s important to remember peoples s birthdays?

Well,I must say, it s really important to remember people s birthday, especially your parents and your friends birthdays. Because it shows that you care about them and they will feel delighted by this.


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