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2022-11-28 17:14:55来源:互联网






有好奇心的 curious [5kjuEriEs]

老实 clean hands, veracity [vE5rAsiti]

工作勤奋 diligent [5dilidVEnt], hardworking [5hB:d5wE:kiN]

坦率的 frank [frANk]

友好的 friendly [5frendli]

风趣的 full of humor

温柔体贴的 gentle and understanding

诚实 honest [5Cnist]

独立的 independent [7indi5pendEnt]

勤劳的 industrious [in5dQstriEs]

聪明的 intelligent [in5telidVEnt], smart [smB:t]

博学的 learned [5lE:nid]

慈祥 kind [kaind]; nice [nais]

有礼貌的 polite [pE5lait]

严厉的 strict [strikt]

不守纪律的 unruly [Qn5ru:li]

正直的 upright [5Qprait]

多才多艺的 verile [5vE:sEtail], gifted [5^iftid]

好客的 hospitable [5hCspitEbl]

豪爽的 expansive [iks5pAnsiv], forthright [5fC:Wrait], great-hearted

自闭的 withdrawn [wiT5drC:n]

傲气的 haughty [5hC:ti]

市侩的 snobbish [5snCbiF]

清高的 high-hearted

开放的 open-minded

宽容的 tolerant [5tClErEnt], good-tempered

时髦的 stylish [5stailiF], modish [5mEudiF], fashionable [5fAFEnEbl]

怀 旧 的 nostalgic [nC5stAldVik], reminiscent [7remi5nisEnt], retrospective


自卑的 self-contemptuous

有同情心的 sympathetic [7simpE5Wetik]

上进的 aspirant [E5spaiErEnt]

勤劳的 laborious [lE5bC:riEs], industrious [in5dQstriEs]

懒 惰 的 indolent [5indElEnt], slothful [5slEuWfEl], sluggish [5slQ^iF], sluttish

[5slQtiF], idle [5aidl]

依赖性强的 dependent [di5pendEnt], reliant [ri5laiEnt]

体贴的 considerate [kEn5sidErit], thoughtful [5WC:tfEl]

好胜的 emulative [5emjulEtiv]

心胸狭隘的 narrow-minded person

文雅的 gentle [5dVentl]

不可捉摸的人 enigmatic figure

手巧的人 handy person

行为古怪的 eccentric [ik5sentrik]


a. 听读观点一致版:

In the reading material, we learn that the college/university is considering _____________.

In the listening material, the man/woman agrees with (thinks ... is right)___________. One reason he/she gives is that _____________. Another reason is that _____________. He/ She also thinks (points out/ has found) that_____________. (有空的话)Therefore, he/she likes the idea.


In the reading material, the college/university is considering _____________. . p |9 p* }4 Y }+ ]

In the listening material, we clearly learn that the man/woman doesn t like the idea of/that ______________ (of +V-ing. ; that + clause) One reason he/she gives is that _______________.

Another reason is that ___________________. He/She also thinks (points out/has found) that ___________. (如果有的话)

Therefore, he/she disagrees with that opinion.

注: 我这里把他们作为典型提供一个思路,同学们要根据不同的内容对第一句进行适当的调整。

3托福口语范文 Question: Talk about a book youhave read that was important to you for some reason.

Explain why the book was important to you. Give specificdetails and examples toexplain your answer.



1. TS: General Introduction ofthe book (Name, author, time you read thebook)

2. Give a simple account of the book.

3. Key Word:Important

(3.1) Interesting: draws you in.

(3.2) knowledge youhave learnt

(3.3) enlightenment you have gained

4. Conclusion:emphasize the IMPORTANCE



1.TS: General Introduction of the book (Name of the book,how/where didyou get the book)

2. Give a simple account of the process ofgetting the book.

3. Key Word: Important

(3.1) It was a souvenirgiven by an important person

(3.2) It was very difficult to get thebook (e.g. Limited edition)

(3.3) You got the book from a specialevent as a reward.

4. Conclusion: emphasize the IMPORTANCE


Recently, I read a book named Keep theaspidistra flying written by George

Orwell. The book influences me a lot because the story hassomething that

touches my heart. The story talks about a man who wants tobe a poet and who abandons many well-paying jobs to pursue his dream of being a poet. I havea similar experience of quitting a very good job in order to be awriter. Also, the man in the story is lack of money because he works as a bookstoreassistant and thus has a very low salary. He lives in a shabby apartment andsometimes have no money to buy food. Again, I ve got similar experience. I oncelived in a cramped apartment alone and had no money. Thebook is important to me because it touches me and gives me encouragement to persist.



一级建造师 二级建造师 消防工程师 消防设施操作员 BIM 造价工程师 环评师 监理工程师 咨询工程师 安全工程师 建筑九大员 公路水运检测 通信工程 智慧消防工程师 装配工程师 一级注册建筑师 二级注册建筑师 注册电气工程师 智慧建造工程师 房地产估价师 应急救援员 EPC工程总承包 PLC智能制造 碳排放管理师 雅思 托福 GRE 托业 SAT GMAT A-Level ACT AP课程 OSSD 多邻国英语 考研英语 英语四六级 商务英语 青少儿英语 IB英语 剑桥英语 职场英语 提升英语 AEAS 英语口语 出国英语 初高中英语 学生英语 成人英语 公共英语 词库 经济师 初级会计师 中级会计师 注册会计师 基金从业 证券从业 薪税师 银行从业 CMA ACCA 会计实训 税务师 CFA 企业合规师 审计师 FRM 高级会计师 会计就业 期货从业 CQF 真账实操技能 葡萄牙语 日语 德语 法语 韩语 西班牙 意大利 高考小语种 粤语 泰语 俄语 阿拉伯语 优路 火星时代 环球雅思 樱花日语 启德雅思 新通 达内 高顿 童程童美 乐博乐博 小码王 秦汉胡同 新航道 秦学教育 学大教育 东方瑞通